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  Kid Leopard vs. Brian Baxter  

Brian Baxter

KL fights back in bearhug

Leopard leglocks Brian

KL locks up Brian in a octpous

Brian tries to control the Master of Submissions

Beautiful Brian is bigger, taller and more muscular than KL but size-differential has never stopped the Leopard. And while KL goes for the jugular right from the start, Brian is not intimidated. He's the first to go for the groin which does not go over very well with Leopard. Brian's skintight singlet get stripped, tied around his ankles and his muscular bare butt gets a spanking. But Brian is ballsy and KL finds that singlet wrapped aound his neck! And the bigger guy tosses the lightweight around the ring and strips him of his singlet as well. An upside-down bearhug has Leopard begging and pinned under the boot of a victory-posing BB. But Brian's not finished. He shakes up the Kid with a great classic bearhug as well. All this punishment has KL seething and it's not long until Brian's beautiful body is battered and beaten and racked across his smaller opponent's shoulders. A great pro ring catchweight classic!

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Kid Leopard vs. Brian Baxter
24 minutes

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Brian's singlet-choke

Upside-down bearhug!

Kid Leopard

KL rams a knee into Brian's back

Leopard racks Brian

Leopard bearhugged

Brian distracts KL with a crotch-to-face headsicssors

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