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  Ty Garrison & Gilles Laurent vs. Jude Johns  

Gilles preps Ty for battle

Jude demands a submission

Ty Garrison garrotted

Gilles gets revenge on Jude

Tyrone's tight figure 4

UK 3-Way

Ty and Gilles formed a lasting bond during their explosively erotic match - a match which was described by one reviewer as "watching two wild animals mate." When newcomer Jude arrives, Ty arrogantly peels off his shirt challenging his opponent: "What do you think of this?" Jude coolly removes his shirt, revealing a ripped torso of his own. "THIS is what I think of that!" The taunts and flexing continue until Jude strips out of his jeans. The excitement over the imminent battle is palpable and apparent in Ty's bulging squarecut! He clearly wants to impress not only his Gilles but also his cocky opponent. The two men lock up and start to wrestle. Jude dominates, his knee down on Ty's throat. Ty tries to power out to no avail, finally submitting to Jude's advantage. "Fuck," Ty groans as Gilles massages his man's shoulders. Not quite what Ty had planned. Jubilant Jude challenges him to another fall. This time Ty takes no chances, muscling Jude into a face-to-crotch schoolboy pin, flexing supremely as Gilles pats his shoulders approvingly. As Ty goes to kiss Gilles in celebration of his victory, Jude snaps on a full nelson and takes Ty down to the mats again, snaking the hold into a sleeper! "Submit," Jude demands, "you know you want to!" Ty remains defiant but the pressure keeps mounting. As does the pressure for the horny, eager Gilles to get into the action himself.... How much longer can he stand to see his 'mate' manhandled and humiliated?


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Ty Garrison & Gilles Laurent vs. Jude Johns
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Jude's gut gets bashed

Ty vs Jude mano a mano

Tyrone triumphant

Ty poses Gilles, 5'8, 150

Jude, 6' 162, on top

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