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  Alexi Adamov vs. Dick Rick  

Alexi Adamov 6'3 225

Butt butted back

Big boot ball bashing

Big beautiful bubble butt!

Dick clamps on a sleeper

Ring Lesson: A Pro's BGE Debut

Sexy Russian import Alexi Adamov has made quite a splash since he first appeared at BGEast, quickly becoming a fan favorite. But he hasn't made the kind of splash he wanted to, and dreamed of before he emigrated to this country. Russian pride demands that her athletes be the best, and Alexi's win-loss record would certainly make Mother Russia weep. He has the skill, the strength and the attitude, but somehow he's never quite made everything mesh together in his head to turn himself into a champion. And the recurring losses eat at him. He's been hitting the gym hard and adding size and strength, and it's working - damn! is it working! - but will the increase in size make the difference in the ring?

Dick Rick is new to BGEast, but he isn't new to the ring. He's been raging through the independent rings throughout the heartland and winning more often than not. He too has a body of thickly sculpted muscle that should give opponents pause - but all the newer, bigger Alexi just sees is a smaller opponent - one he thinks he should handle with ease. It's apparent Alexi thinks Dick is going to be a pushover as he climbs through the ropes and mocks him for his lack of comparable size. Apparently Alexi needs to be reminded that big things - and big beatings - sometimes come from smaller packages.


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Alexi Adamov vs. Dick Rick
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Alexi tries a full nelson

A blatant choke

Dick Rick 6' 200

Alexi trapped & trampled

Tree of woe

Alexi goes for a cradle

Gut crushing shoulder block

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