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  TJ Swan vs. Bobby-Lee Martin*  

TJ Swan

Humping Bobby-Lee

Pounding TJ's tight abs

Beautiful cross-body scissors

Hung Black Stud vs White Trash Tough

Black bodybuilder, porn star T.J. went through a hot pre-match pump-up set in a sexy jam-packed jock strap. Punky Bobby challenged TJ to action but after some rough jockstrap grappling it was TJ?s big, bulbous bicep that had street punk Bobby-Lee groaning, cursing and submitting to the power and pressure of the black hunk?s headlock. TJ continued to dominate his opponent with a humping full-nelson. He stripped TJ of his jock and wrapped it around his throat choking him until he submitted. It wasn?t long before TJ evened things up by ripping Bobby-Lee?s jock off his white ass. When backed into the corner, Bobby-Lee always resorts to his ?old reliable?. Infamous for heavy cock and ball action, he reached back and clamped a claw grip around TJ?s naked orbs. Lots of bare butts, flopping baskets, both in and out of jocks, cock and ball grabbing.


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Bouts 27-31*


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TJ Swan vs. Bobby-Lee Martin*
09 minutes

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Nasty side headlock

Bobby grabs a hold

TJ schoolboys Bobby-Lee

Jockstrap action

Bobby buries his fist

Face-slapping humiliation

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