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  Chuck Collins ('Tiger') vs. Brooklyn Bodywrecker  


Tiger tethered and tormented

Backbreaking clawhold

Tiger slammed into the ceiling

Brutal Battering

The BBW smashes his smaller opponent from wall-to-wall, even utilizing his leather harness to swing the earnest and ballsy lightweight around by his neck. But even the big bad Bodywrecker can fall victim to over-confidence. His boisterous bravado leaves him open and victim to the ?tiger special? a painful neck-crank. Big mistake! ?You?re never going to wrestle again? the BBW promises as he presses Collins over head and smashes him into the ceiling. It?s a vicious battering with lots of gut-punishment ? probably the worst beating of the Tiger?s career. ?Hey, Flying Pussy! Looks like you need a doctor!? The BBW carries the loser out and into a chiropractor?s office where one of Dr. Irving R. Pfufnagel?s patients, Dark Rogers awaits? A classic scene ensues!


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Chuck Collins ('Tiger') vs. Brooklyn Bodywrecker
19 minutes

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The Brooklyn Bodywrecker

Tiger's abs crushed

Nasty double gut clawhold

The Bodywrecker Crucifix

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