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  Cruze - Muscle Showcase

Cruze 5'6 160 lbs

Muscled & hard in a blue singlet

Cruze's muscled bod

Seductive stare from the hunk

Sexy striptease during his dance routine

Our dark, sultry and SEXY Fantasyman spends an intimate hour of his time with you. As the scene opens, Cruze is seen at the edge of a lake preparing to take a swim. His first attire is tight jeans and a white T. He strips down and pulls on a brief tight white speedo and wades into the water. This special highlight video also features Cruze doing a strip routine and in a martial arts work-out and pump-up session.

One of the highlights of this (or of any other wrestler's) showcase has to be the star's rapport and ease in talking to his audience. Cruze talks about his experiences in the fight game and, true to form, gets all heated up and cocky, grabs his flopping dick and ends up challenging YOU! Very entertaining, very amusing, and hypnotically arousing! He also poses in various wrestling gear, getting more turned on with each change of gear. Finally, he leans back, pops in a tape (one of his own matches!), and happily strokes away to his big dick's content. Dark eyes, handsome look, beautiful muscle, big load.


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- Muscle Showcase Plus

$39.00  Originally $49.00

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59 minutes

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Leaning back while he beats his meat

A well deserved rest after shooting his load

Showing off his cakes

Air drying after a dip in the lake

Jock strapped bubble butt

Rock hard.... quad muscle

Shaking his money maker

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