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  Aryx Quinn vs. Ricky Martinez  

Aryx Quinn 5'8 160 lbs

Just relaxing


Laying in the big shots

An erotic pose

Backstage Beef Leads to Multilayered Match Mayhem

Aryx and Vicious: as Leopard's top lieutenants, they've humiliated mat masters, musclemen and multiple wannabe ring lords, alone and in tandem. But who's the bigger gun, the rapidly rising rookie or the lewd, lascivious vet? Aryx storms the ring in a scandalous version of the vet's traditional black and yellow rubber ringwear; one can't help but wonder if it's a show of respect or an "anything you can do I can do better" backhand. More cut and pumped than ever, Ricky refuses to be a prop in the heels' behind-the-scenes beef. "I know what you did to Cosenti, but you won't do that to me," he promises, referring to Aryx's beatdown of his tagteam partner on Demolition 7. And when Aryx responds with a degrading and demoralizing evaluation of his assets, Ricky attacks, hurling the big-mouthed beauty from corner to corner with hiptosses and high-arcing monkeyflips, hitting multiple sunset flips and backslides for near pins. But a face-first slam to the mat truncates his opening assault. "See this?" Aryx taunts, counting the ridges in his 6-pack abs. "It's the number of times I'm going to bodyslam you!" But it's never a good idea to telegraph a move: when Aryx hauls him up for another, Ricky shocks him with a rollup into an ultra-tight, inescapable spladle that opens up Aryx's barely covered butt for several humbling rubbery slaps.


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6: Rubber Meets the Mat*


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Aryx Quinn vs. Ricky Martinez
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Aryx grinds his head in the mat

No place to go

Aryx Pinned again

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