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  Bulldog Barzini vs. Denny Cartier  


Bulldog in pain

No place to go

Brutal bearhug

Camel Clutch

Beefy Bodybuilder vs Middleweight Shooter Shocker!

As Denny warms up it's obvious he knows amateur wrestling. But this is pro, and in the ring his compact, smoothly muscled torso and powerful hairy legs, white trunks and asics and his smiling face and eager demeanor imply one thing: Dead meat! He's exactly the sort of innocent babyface bigger brutes with bad attitude relish mauling. And when it comes brutes and bad attitude, few wrestlers match Bulldog. He shuffles into the arena dripping scorn, dismissing Denny's eagerness to engage until he's strutted, posed and displayed himself to his egotistical satisfaction. "Oh yeah--I look good!" Bulldog revels, in a black bikini so skimpy we wondered if he mistakenly stumbled into our treasure trove of hunky jobber gear! And look good he does, as if he'd spent the last year flogging his massive frame into peak condition. But Bulldog's bod isn't the only surprise. He lunges, Denny dodges, speed vs. strength. But when Denny hits a go-behind takedown into a pin that has the big man protesting, "I'm in the ropes!" then rocks him to the core with two drop toe holds, two looping armdrags and two dropkicks, the second propelling Bulldog out the ring sputtering a stream of foul-mouthed invective, it's proof: looks can be deceiving...


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Bulldog Barzini vs. Denny Cartier
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Denny demolished


Riding the surf

There's no escape

Bulldog mounted

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