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  Tiko vs. Cody Blayde  

Tiko: 5'11, 175 lbs

Tiko's adorable little head is twisted as his long-haired foe seeks to rip it off his thick shoulder

Tiko finds himself in unimaginable pain with a backbreaking scorpion camel combo

Cody is firmly in control with a grip on his opponent's purple hair as he drags him up for more

Cody sends his equally colorful, punky opponent tumbling hard to the canvas

Tiko forced to gaze up at his doom, stretched out with his arms pinned to the mat underfoot

Big Mouth

Tiko and Cody cut their teeth at a live BGE-sponsored event in Florida a few years ago. Close in height and weight, the two confident indie studs were destined to cross paths in the wrestling ring. Tiko has dyed his quiff to match the metallic purple of his trunks. His body is lean, with thick, solid shoulders and thighs, and a confident baby face. He's limbering up in the ring as loudmouth Cody Blayde approaches the ropes, in candy-red entrance gear and tequila-sunrise hair. Cocky as fuck, he orders Tiko to back up to give his bloated ego sufficient space, promising, "I'll take it a little easy on you if you listen to me now." Tiko doesn't budge or blink, proclaiming, as he pokes a finger to Cody's smooth, tattooed chest, "I'm the name brand. I have no idea what off-brand trash you are."

The stage is set for a war between ego-equals, both of them with moxie enough to rule the squared circle. "Do you want your ass kicked now or later?" asks Cody. Wordlessly, Tiko replies with a wide-arching forearm smash to the side of Cody's head. Cody bounces off the turnbuckle and dropkicks Tiko. Then he stomps on Tiko's ribs and traps him in a seated abdominal stretch. Tiko's face is contorted in pain as Cody devilishly finger flicks then wrings Tiko's right nipple. Cody follows up with a string of contortionist holds designed to punish and weaken his opponent. Blayde is as sexy in his wild-boy rage as fans could possibly hope. His torturous assaults prove him to be splendidly nasty and a master of punishing holds. Tiko's agonies are heart-wrenching and, yes, arousing.

Wounding the ego of an arrogant young heel has dangerous consequences. You might as well split some atoms while you're at it. The chain reaction of high-energy rage is spectacular and daunting. The fight escalates, powered by offended pride. Twenty minutes after the first strike, Cody is still ripping Tiko new assholes. He refuses to accept his opponent's pleading submissions. More than that, he mocks them. Cody's own rage triggers more rage, even as Tiko cowers, trembling beneath the weight of the heel's all-consuming wrath. After slamming Tiko's knee to the ring floor, Cody binds him in an inverted Indian deathlock facelock, intensifying strain on Tiko's knees and spine as Blayde arches over him like a malevolent rainbow. He firmly maintains the perilous hold for twenty seconds, which in deathlock-seconds feels like an eternity.

Few things are hotter than sweat rolling over smooth muscle. Blayde's body glistens as Tiko's body shudders and recoils. The shiny slick muscle seems to add agility and speed to the heel's transitions from one punishment to the next. Cody piles torment on top of torment, drawing upon a bottomless cache of crippling holds and assaults. Cody's nonstop banter adds to Tiko's humiliation. And there's not a god-damn thing Tiko can do about it. He's obviously outmanned and overcome by the brash and vengeful punk, whose superior ring psychology is aided and abetted by playground-bully tactics like wedgies and parroting Tiko's pathetic wailing. More than once, Cody makes the snarky suggestion that he and Tiko patch things up over beers after the match. Cody Blayne's hard work is not wasted: even if Tiko doesn't get a hard-on from all this bullying attention, BG East fans are certain to be.


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Tiko vs. Cody Blayde
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Demolition 32 Arena Galleries

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Rolled, folded, twisted, stretched...Tiko is all wrapped up like a sexy birthday present

With his legs spread and stretched, Tiko's groin is exposed as Cody looms dominantly above him

Cody looks to bring this beating to a merciful end, stretched out, counting out the pin

Tiko once again lifted with his back bouncing and breaking in a suspended bow-and-arrow

Cody pushes himself up off the mats to ratchet up the pressure in a leg nelson hold

Pretty much out on his feet, Tiko gets driven into the corner, his head bouncing off the buckle

Cody Blayde: 6', 185 lbs

Tiko's ample equipment bulges his gear as his body is bent and stretched in a bow and arrow

A painful mexican ceiling hold hoists Tiko's lean body into the air, torturously suspended

Trapped, and stretched, Tiko's head and neck are bent and separated from his shoulder

Cody Blayde stands victoriously as he flexes his lean, tatted muscle victoriously over his victim

Cody seeks to ruin everything about his mouthwatering opponent with a boot to the face

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