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  Ace Aarons vs. Ty Alexander*  

Ace Aarons: 5'9, 187 lbs

Hands off the merchandise!: Aarons lays claim to grounded Ty's bountiful booty.

As his face is swallowed by Ty's thick thighs, Ace employs a desperation wedgie.

A wasted, mastered Ace sinks to his knees as Ty grinds his bulge into his slack-jawed face.

Ty likes it on top as he lays claim to Ace's mouth with a seriously sexy, sweaty liplock.

Stripped nude, gear claimed, a rope bound Ty is forced to gaze up at his conqueror.

"Trophy Boy, Huh?"

In this match the smack talk is more flirty than combative, with both wrestlers getting in each other's face ... really close and very often. At first, Ace Aarons is intrigued and amused by Ty Alexander's swagger and suave "trophy boy" reputation. He doesn't know what to make of the guy, but he's drawn to him in spite of himself. Of course, nobody is more infatuated with Ty than Ty himself. He relies on a carefully constructed air of mystery to distract and unsettle opponents and give himself the edge, especially when the opponent is as highly skilled and experienced as Ace.

"I think I can deal with this," Ace says with a smirk, totally unimpressed by Ty's initial attempt at intimidation. "Let's see what you got," he adds nonchalantly while circling in for the lockup. Ty catches him by surprise with a confident first move, locking Ace's arm in a chicken wing and nibbling the back of his ear. Aarons reverses swiftly and almost effortlessly, shoving Ty down on hands and knees. However, in one amazing, silky-smooth move, Ty pulls the legs out from under him and drops Ace belly down to the mat and mounts him. He rises to one knee and applies a wristlock. Ace spins around so that they are crotch to crotch, lips an inch away from touching. Then Ace sabotages the potential romance of the moment with a one-handed choke, clamping Ty's throat shut.

While Ty gasps for air, Ace splits the trophy boy's thighs apart, crouching predatorially between them. Forcing the legs even further apart, Ace rises to his knees, the detailed outline of his cock in plain sight. When Ty refuses to give up, Ace says, "Don't make me beg for it." To our knowledge, Ty has never made anyone beg for anything, but he's playing hard to get with Aarons. Ace releases Ty, urging him to "show me what you got." Ty pulls himself up by the ropes. Ace takes him by the chin and pulls him up close, seductively commanding him, "Show me your best."

It turns out that Ty's "best" is a tight crotch grab that forces Ace to bend down like an old man. Ty plants a teasing kiss on Ace's earlobe. Then he pushes him to one corner and suplexes him to the center of the ring. Over the course of 70-plus minutes, the wrestlers run the gamut of sexually suggestive wrestling holds and moves. These two know them all, and may have even invented one or two during this showdown. At times, the back and forth looks audaciously like in and out. Weaving seduction with destruction, Ace and Ty deliberately blur the lines between the two.

Four times in the course of this wrestling match Ace and Ty make early bids for the year's Best Liplock honors, one of the tastiest categories in BG East's annual fan poll. But if anything is sexier than a kiss savagely plied, it's probably a choke hold. Restricting the flow of oxygen to the brain famously enhances any erotic experience. If the erotic potential of the choke weren't already self-evident, Ty and Ace underscore it by pressing nose to nose while pressing thumbs to the jugular. Again and again, Aarons and Alexander make the case that wrestling IS sex. The chemistry between these two has to be seen to be believed!


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Ace Aarons vs. Ty Alexander*
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Aarons smack talks his opponent with a face-to-crotch headscissors on his equally mouthy foe.

Ace goes up and over, crashing to the mat with a ring-shaking suplex from pro stud Ty.

Ace intends to take Ty to the edge and beyond with a blatant, face-to-face choke.

As if having his gear stolen wasn't humiliating enough, Ty is force fed his own trunks.

Bubblebutt Ty stretches out and pins Aarons face-to-crotch on the mats in the middle of the ring.

With a firm grip on Ty's throat, Ace dangles his distended bulge in Ty's gaping mouth.

Ty Alexander: 5'7", 170 lbs

Aarons lays the sexual-submission on thick, with a crotch-to-face schoolboy pin.

Ty plops his award-winning derriere right on Aaron's face in a reverse schoolboy pin.

Ace pulls up on his toes as Ty drags him up with a humbling, trunk-pulling wedgie.

Ty is snatched up to pay a little more lip-service to the dominant muscled pecs of Aarons.

Ty shoulders the weight of the pro-stud and marches around the ring in a torture rack.

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