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  Joe Robbins vs. Joshua Goodman  

Joe Robbins: 6'2, 230 lbs

Although he fawns over Big Joe, Mr. Joshua demands respect for his own physique.

Goodman trusses up the award winning muscle in the corner buckle for a hellacious onslaught.

Goodman tucks Joe's chin into his own pecs with a neck-crunching full nelson.

A rampaging Robbins turns the tables on Goodman with a doubled full nelson.

With Goodman trampled underfoot, Joe shows him what the Complete Package is all about.

The Best Bulge vs. the Complete Package

Days before his next bodybuilding competition, big Joe Robbins looks phenomenal. He's tanned, toned, thick as lumber and sculpted like marble. It's not as if Joe is ever out of shape, but as he fine-tunes his massive physique for the judges, he's never looked better. "I hear you've got a competition coming up," Joshua Goodman says as he watches Joe pump iron in the ring. "Yeah," big Joe acknowledges, "I've been carb depleting all week. I'm just trying to keep my energy levels up as best I can." "We're just practicing today," Joshua assures him, "so don't worry, I won't embarrass you."

Joshua's fan-favorite physique is in peak form as well. The thick veins in his arms and shoulders swell as he does bicep curls with tension bands. His muscle mass and definition are incredible, even in big Joe's shadow. But Mr. Joshua is exceedingly generous with his praise of his opponent's body. Suspiciously so, in fact. "Damn, you've got some legs," he marvels as Joe flexes his quads, "they're like tree trunks! And nothing wrong with that back there either," he openly admires, as Joe spreads his lats wide and flexes his glutes playfully. "You've clearly got the size," Joshua concedes. "That must be why they call you Big Joe."

If Joe is at all suspicious of his opponent's fawning praise, he doesn't show it. He's earned every compliment, and perhaps he can be forgiven if he let's down his guard in the face of Joshua's abundant admiration. But when Joshua transitions out of an opening collar and elbow lockup to suddenly scoop big Joe up in a breathless bearhug, it's clear that he is definitely not content to simply admire the bodybuilder from a distance. Violently, Mr. Joshua thrusts his hips forward, using his most infamously massive battering ram to pound relentlessly into the trapped muscle man. "What the fuck, I thought we were going to take it easy," Joe bitches.

Perhaps Joshua and Joe simply have different ideas about what it means to just practice, but Joshua's dirty tricks suggest he never had any intention of taking it easy on the carb-starved behemoth. He uses the tension bands to strangle Joe. He exploits the bodybuilder's limited reserves, brutalizing him in the corner and digging deep, bruising claws into Joe's perfect pecs. He wrings shocked submissions out of the muscled gladiator as his pristine physique is pummeled and bruised just days before he's due to take the stage.

Normally even-keeled Joe is visibly enraged at being so expertly exploited. Finally muscling free from his tormentor's clutches, he roars, "Let's see how you like it!" Joshua simply smirks and lifts his arms, giving the depleted gladiator a free shot. "All right," Joshua grins manically, "strap it on!"

Joshua is regretting his choice of words right around the time that big Joe lands a sucker punch from behind, driving his fist between Joshua's thighs and crushing his award winning package. Revenge may be a dish best served cold, but Joe is boiling with rage as he beats, stomps, and rips every single mouthwatering muscle on Mr. Joshua's body. "It's not about your package," Joe roars defiantly as he practices his posing routine over his opponent's writhing body as his feet, "it's about the complete package," he crows, pumping his peaked biceps as his muscles glisten with sweat.

Can big Joe wrangle Mr. Joshua's outsized ego and bulging ambition once and for all before his runs out of gas? This battle of epic proportions turns into a race to the finish line, as Joe struggles to seal the deal while Joshua white knuckles his way through the bodybuilder's brutal gauntlet. It's a humiliating finish for one shocked muscle hunk who is worn down, knocked out, and kicked to curb. Which magnificent specimen do you think is left standing, flexing, and preening over his prey?


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Joe Robbins vs. Joshua Goodman
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Mr. Goodman soothes his aching package as Robbins drags him back to his feet by his arm.

Robbins snatches Mr. Goodman off his feet with an absolutely devastating full nelson.

Mr. Goodman is a picture perfect portrait of pain as he writhes at the feet of the bodybuilder.

Goodman rolls and flops in an attempt to escape Robbin's rib-crushing body scissors.

Mr. Joshua writhes and withers weakly between Robbins' crushing, scissoring quads.

Goodman tears away at the pecs of a bound Joe to make sure he won't make it to the competition.

Joshua Goodman: 5'10, 180 ripped lbs

Big Joe Robbins is ready to put an end to this workout as he carries Goodman over a massive shoulder

Robbins goes digging for oil in Goodman's shredded core with a vicious ab claw.

With a knee to the back, Mr. Joshua employs Joe's own resistance bands to choke the life out of him.

Mr. Joshua's perfect body is carted and broken over Joe's boulder shoulders with a torture rack.

A big abstretch leaves Goodman's shredded core vulnerable and exposed to Joe's sledgehammers.

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