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  Kelly King vs. Toney Rico  

Kelly King: 5'10, 200 lbs

Toney appears to have bitten off more than he can chew as he sags in Kelly's camel clutch

Toney floored, cornered, and clobbered with a big bashing knee choke from Kelly

As if the rope choke wasn't enough to slow Toney, Kelly drives an elbow to the back of his skull

Big cocky, ring king Kelly sits back and enjoys the feel of Toney's crumbling muscle in the crab

Toney kneels, crucified in the ropes as a punishing rear chinlock sends him mercifully back to black

"I like the way you tap, boy."

Toney Rico has never shied away from a challenge. From taking on seasoned pro Rolf Fulton in his debut to experienced underground wrestlers Ty Alexander and Chase Addams, Toney has never let his opponent's record intimidate him. However, that may be about to change. Weighing in at well over 200 pounds, Toney has always had a considerable size advantage over his more experienced opponents to give him an edge, but no longer.

Kelly King is a wrestling machine, with years of ring experience and a body that can match Toney's pound for pound. Whoever talked Rico into this match may have it out for the big, beefy guy. King has sweat, bled, and broken bones to become the biggest and best bruiserweights in the industry. When he heard his next opponent was an up-and-comer with a middling track record, King's reaction was a mix of insult and eagerness.

Even before the match starts, things don't look great for Toney as he sizes King up with a look that says he may be starting to regret getting into this fight. Meanwhile King wears a wicked smirk, looking like he's already got this match wrapped up. The moment these two lock up, Toney's assessment of the situation goes from bad to worse. His impressive bulk would usually force his opponent to give ground, but King braces himself with those massively muscles legs and stops Rico in his tracks.

Before Toney can respond, he's pulled into a skull-crushing headlock, King demonstrating right away he has the edge in strength as his pec and bicep cinch down on Rico's head, eliciting a cry of pain from the big man mere seconds into the match. Toney is tossed expertly to the mat and King shows his smarts as well, locking in a tight chokehold to sap the strength from his opponent's impressive muscles. Toney fights hard but soon enough is feeling the squeeze as he starts to droop, but King is just getting warmed and tosses the big boy to the mat, only to wrench him backwards again in a spine-stretching camel clutch. Toney's cries of pain are redoubled as King demands what he knows is an inevitable submission after only a few minutes of torture.

Toney may be hurting and struggling, his arms flailing futilely for the ropes while he gasps for air as King applies another choke in addition to the camel clutch, demanding the first submission of the match, but Rico still has the stamina and tenacity to hold out, denying the big bruiser his prize. While his courage and fortitude may be admirable, anyone who would call themselves Toney's friend might be inclined to tell him to just throw in the towel already. But it's just King and Rico here in the ring, and no one can save Toney from the veteran wrestler's pursuit of victory. King's tactics turn savage as he begins to choke then stretch Rico on the ropes, throwing in hard, heavyweight stomps to the man's battered back.

In hold after agonizing hold, Rico's joints are torqued, his body battered, his muscled body barely able to keep upright under the assault as King flows from inventive contortions to hard blows. Through it all, Toney tries to remain strong, to deny his assailant the pleasure of breaking him, but finally, painfully, his body stretched to its limits and King's massive bicep tightening around his throat, Rico gasps out a single, pitiful submission, and begs for mercy. King drops him hard and Toney flops to the mat, dripping sweat and gasping for air, already beaten, already finished, but he doesn't see the way King continues to eye him hungrily from up above, the victorious wrestler's bulging muscles shining bright with sweat. In a thick drawl he menaces Toney from above, "I like the sound of you tapping out, boy. It sounds real good."

The match is far from over for Rico as King proceeds to pick him apart, his ankles are twisted, his shoulders and elbows are cranked, and time and again what little fight might be left in him is choked out by King's frequent sleepers. Toney's chest heaves and his body drips with sweat as he tries to find some way out, but there is only one. He submits, again and again, his cries becoming more desperate and pained, but it only makes King hungry for more.

Finally, any semblance of restraint gone, King hauls Rico to his feet and drives him into the corner, throwing boots, forearms, and punches into the weaker wrestler's body and face. Toney shakes and shudders with the hits, the fine sheen of sweat coating his thick muscles becoming a mist exploding out from each impact. King only ramps up the brutality from there, beating his opponent senseless back and forth across the ring, the light going out of Rico's eyes as he drops limp to the mat repeatedly only to be forced back to his feet by his tormentor. King is sending a message to any other would-be challengers, as slams, elbows, Boston crabs, figure fours, and sharpshooters are mixed in and take their own toll on Toney's battered form, making the beaten man into King's own personal punching bag. By the time the victor is done with his victim, you'll wonder if the loser of this match will even be able to walk away afterward, and if he'll ever have the nerve to step into the ring again after such thorough destruction.


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Kelly King vs. Toney Rico
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Stretched out and cornered, Toney can do naught but suffer the brutalizing boot choke in the buckle

Toney is either a.) begging for mercy from the heel or b,) crawling back for yet another beating

King puts his marbled muscle on display with a humiliating knee choke on his broken jobber

King cranks back with a crippler crossface that should earn a submission from the masochist

Kelly drags Toney up for a look at the muscle that has been sent to destroy and demoralize him

King throws up yet another celebratory bicep flex as a show of strength in the figure four submissio

Toney Rico: 6'1, 210 lbs

The King savors another successful conquest as Toney is ko'd in the chinlock variation

Kelly brings Toney's offense to a very final punctuation with a ring-shaking bodyslam

The self-proclaimed King of the ring crushes Toney's big body under his boot like a bug

A powerful, punishing cobra clutch from Kelly brings Toney down unceremoniously to the mat

Long Live the King! Kelly celebrates another easy win over a big, outmatched jobber

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