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  Cameron Matthews vs. Rory MacLeod  

Cameron Matthews: 5'11, 160

A twinkier Cameron grinds his knees into the beefier Rory's back for a surfboard hold

Rory rolls Cameron over for a boston crab, sharpshooter variation

Rory works his beefy muscle advantage to effect with a creative leglock submission

Rory drives a knee into Cameron's gut while working an apparent full nelson variation

Rory appears to be on his last leg as Cameron rides him in a crucifix

"Whose mother's a whore now!?"

Cameron Matthews and Rory MacLeod have just one thing in common when they square off in the ring. Neither man can quite believe the other man's gear. "I'd like to borrow that skirt afterward," Cameron chuckles at the sight of Rory's kilt. Rory is a Scottish patriot through and through, from the flags stitched to the back of his blue trunks to the thick accent that Cameron can't quite translate. "I think your mother ought to wear that!" Rory finally makes himself understood, pointing derisively at the tiny American flag briefs that Cameron's legendarily luscious ass hangs out of. "You leave my mother out of it! My mother's a nice lady!" Cameron snaps furiously. "You're mother's a whore!" Rory spits with contempt. Contested masculinity, insulted national pride, and impugned maternal virtue. There's nothing left for these two indy pro sensations to do but tear into one another.

The wrestling is as reckless and bruising as the insults. Rory is incredibly fast for a brawler this big. Even as Cam leans in for a collar and elbow start, the Scotsman ducks behind, hoisting the barefoot American off his feet before sliding him into a cranking side headlock. Point and counterpoint, Cameron turns on a dime, jamming Rory's arm violently into a hammerlock as prelude to rolling him into an across-the-shins backbreaker. Cameron keeps demanding that the Scotsman apologize for insulting his mother. "Your mam would have to save up to be cheap!" Rory snarls defiantly.

Cameron is giving away about 30 pounds to the thickly muscled Scotsman, but you wouldn't know it by the power behind his knee-buckling forearms to the face and the spladle with which he rips the big man in half. His long, lean muscles swarm all over is opponent, and every angle displays what Cameron's fans love most about watching him wrestle, namely his bodacious bubble butt. As surprisingly fast as the Scotsman is, the All-American boy suddenly folds him half, pinning his shoulders squarely to the mat and taking a shockingly decisive first fall pin.

Rory is enraged. When Cameron comes sprinting off the ropes, Rory lands a sickening drop kick into the side of his left knee, determined to at least hobble, if not cripple the barefoot pretty boy. Ankle locks, figure-4 leg locks, and raw, bare fisted punches to the meniscus systematically weaken Cameron's ability to walk, much less fight standing up. "What's happening now, son!?" Rory roars with sadistic delight. A swinging over-the-knee backbreaker knocks the air out of Cameron's lungs, leaving him that much more vulnerable when the big Scotsman clamps his bulging bicep across his throat and threatens to put him out cold. Cameron has no option but to tap out or take a nap. He taps. "Good boy," Rory approves.

Perhaps it's the taunting assault on each other's masculinity, or the slights to their national pride, but it sure seems like it's sore feelings over insulting each other's mothers that turns these two accomplished pros into all out brawlers. The slugfest spills outside the ring and back again. Forearms and fists, kicks and stomps beat them both half senseless. The piercing trash talk just never ends as they provoke each other to dig deeper and go darker in demanding their pound of flesh in exchange for the scathing attacks on mother and motherland. One bitter hunk finally ignores the tap out, ignores that pleading submission, and keeps the padlock on his sleeper finisher until his opponent is no longer conscious to defend himself from the last round of insults.

Scots in kilts or all-American beauties in red, white, and blue? Whatever your taste, as long you like your wrestling ruthless and the finishers absolutely decisive, you'll enjoy tucking in to this sensationally paced international grudge match.


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Cameron Matthews vs. Rory MacLeod
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Pros in Private 11 Arena Galleries

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Rory fights an endless endeavor to escape Cameron's crucifix hold

The two pros lay wasted on the mats in the aftermath of the intense battle

The barefooted babyface ensnares the booted brute in a tight figure four headscissors

Cameron gasps and writhes as Rory coils round him like a snake in a choke scissor combo

The ass that launched a thousand votes lays beaten and humping the mat

Cameron takes control of the wheel with a headscissor, stump puller variation

Rory MacLeod: 6'0, 188

Cameron reels in pain as a barrelling Rory takes him down to the mats

Cameron throws his hands up as if in supplication as Rory works a torturous figure four variation

Rory pours his all into a jap strangle headlock combo intent on finishing Cameron off

Cameron rolls Rory up nice and tight in a seriously sexy spladle pin

Cameron writhes and wriggles as Rory tries to bring this struggle to a quick, merciful end

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