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  Guido Genatto vs. Jake Jenkins  

Jake Jenkins - 5'7, 155 lbs.

Guido enjoys having the smaller prettyboy under his control in the suspended surfboard

Guido lets out a primal roar, tearing Jake's legs apart and sending the boy tapping in submission

Classic study in heeldom: Guido drags the babyface in blue up off the mat by his trunks

Yet another pretty, little ring boy finds himself trampled painfully under Guido's big, bad boot


Guido Genatto has hit BG East like a category-5 tornado, leaving a wake of destruction everywhere he lands. The company's Great Hairy Heel spot has been vacant for too long in the absence of the legendary Brooklyn Bodywrecker. Guido has a different vibe than the Wrecker, crazier, coarser, more cataclysmic than methodical, but he's determined to fill the bill, and, boy oh boy, does he! Genatto is the most amazing brute ever to appear at BGE.

While not exactly pin-up material, Guido still has loads of sex appeal, steeped in psychosis, macho masculinity at its muskiest, and a keen intuition for sadistic head games. Now BG East gives him his juiciest opponent morsel yet: Jake Jenkins, not only beautiful but also strong and competent on the mat as well as in the ring. Having trounced Flash LaCash and Kip Sorell in a furious hail of hard chops and sadistic mangling, Guido now faces pretty-boy Jake, whose own fighting chops are nothing to sniff at.

Jake has manhandled some of BGE's toughest competition over the years, not always coming out on top, but always bringing a hard fight. Jake might be Guido's toughest challenge yet. But, that said, we can't think of a single person in the company who has money on Jake in this fight. Right now, it's even odds on whether Jenks comes out of it with kneecaps! Warming up in baby-blue trunks and white boots, Jake looks splendid, in tiptop shape and every bit the Prince Charming we have adored over the years.

Guido enters the ring, more laid-back and affable than we've ever seen him. He warmly greets Jake with an innocuous "Hey, how are you? Working out?" He urges Jake to repeat one of his practice moves, then ... smashes his gut with the sole of his size-12 boot!

Enough chitchat. Time for pain. He snapmares Jake to the mat, then clutches the chin, whips the head back to his hairy chest, and hooks his fingers into Jenkins' nostrils and stretches them back too. Jake kicks and moans, pulling at Guido's hands to get loose. Jakes suffering is palpable and visceral. Jake's hurting and he's angry!

Once he frees himself from this particularly nasty bit of abuse, Jake leaps back to his feet, a fiercely determined look on his face, dead serious and defiant. Guido is unimpressed and just looks at him with a bemused, quizzical expression on his face. Them without thinking twice about it, Guido just tosses the pretty boy over his shoulders and commences the agonizing process of racking and snapping the dark-haired challenger's vertebrae apart, bone by bone, even hunkering down so as to amplify the pressure. Virtually on the edge of tears, Jake Jenkins screams and screams and screams.


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Guido Genatto vs. Jake Jenkins
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The bubble-butted stud Jake screams, suffering trapped in Guido's new devastating submission hold

A look of helpless, pleading despair on Jake's face as Guido contorts him in the torture rack

Guido Genatto - 5'10, 235 lbs.

Guido hoists Jenkins high over his head forcing the broken ring stud's back to bend dangerously

Guido bulges in his signature trunks, rocking Jake's head off the turnbuckle with a suspended cradle

Beefy Guido breaks lean Jake over his knee in an intoxicating display of penultimate domination

Gigantic Guido Genatto sets about wearing Jake Jenkins down with a vicious cobra clutch

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