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  Yorik vs. Silver Eagle  

Silver Eagle - 6'1, 190 lbs

Trading gut punches

Eagle pinned, Yorik unmasks

Punishing camel on Silver Eagle

Morgan's suspended surfboard variation wrenches Silver Eagle's shoulders out of their sockets

Wet-Behind-the-Ears, or Too Good to Be Believed?

When Silver Eagle showed up to interview for a shot at wrestling for BG East, The Boss quickly concluded that this big boy was simply too sincere to be believed. The kid arrived already wearing his American flag mask, insisting he wouldn't rest until he sternly punished every last no-good, dirty-dealing bad boy on the BGE roster. He blustered on and on about "teaching those cheaters a lesson," and "making those villains pay..." Nobody could be that naïve... could they!? Surely he was just too much of a goody-two-shoes to possibly be for real. Then again, when The Boss got a glance at that bubble butt and bulging crotch, he decided Silver Eagle was just too good to pass up!

The boys at BG East tapped one of the most notorious rising heels in their stable of wrestlers to see just how sincere Silver Eagle was about "cleaning up this place" of all of its dark and shady characters. Wrestling in skull mask and dressed all in black, Yorik looks precisely the part of the hairy, hunky bad guy that Silver Eagle is 'looking for.'

The earnest rookie stretches on the mat, preparing to defend truth, justice and the American way in his patriotic mask and shiny, skin tight, metallic blue trunks. When his opponent arrives, the pose-down highlights the uphill battle that Yorik is going to have in bringing to heel this all-American stud in front of him. Silver Eagle is a solid four inches taller and 15 pounds heavier than the solidly built bad boy in black. But however much he's counting on self-righteousness and sincerity to win the day, Silver Eagle is still a rookie. Whether or not he realizes the depth of the challenge staring back at him from behind that black and white mask, there's no way that a wet-behind-the-ears rookie can actually go toe-to-toe with an already seasoned young heel. Especially not at BG East!

Apparently, Silver Eagle didn't get the memo that said that big, strapping good-guy rookies should roll over and let their vicious heel opponents just beat their ass. In what can in no way be described as a rookie move, the champion of decency scoops Yorik off his feet and lands a breathtaking gut buster across his outstretched knee... three back-to-back rib-crunching times! When he follows that up by kicking Yorik when he's down, you have to ask yourself: is Silver Eagle nearly as self-righteous and wet-behind-the ears as he seemed to be letting on?!


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Yorik vs. Silver Eagle
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Eagle buckles in a cobra clutch

Silver Eagle drawn & quartered: Yorik/Morgan's guillotine legspread has the humpy masked man pinned

Yorik - 5'8, 165 lbs

Eagle's big bearhug

Yorik = Morgan Cruise!

Throat constricting crucifix

Legs spread wide leg nelson

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