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  Rio Garza vs. Mike Pitt  

Rio Garza - 6'0, 185 lbs

A suspended banana split

Hispanic hunk ankle-locked & legsplit

Pitt leg spread & neck cranked

Double teamed gut bashing!: The Latin lovely Rio Garza falls victim to a punishing 2 on 1!


There are some days that just need a 'reset' button: those terrible days when nothing goes right, where everything that could possibly go wrong not only does, but exceeds every worst case scenario imaginable, when it would have just been smarter to have stayed in bed buried under the covers and hidden until it was over. Everyone has had one of those days, but very few people have had a bad day like the one poor Rio Garza had one lazy summer Saturday at the BG East compound that we were able to capture on film!

Ah, Rio. Had Rio lived in ancient Greece, undoubtedly Zeus himself would have been so entranced by his physical perfection that he would have swooped down and carried him off to Olympus. For there is no flaw to be detected anywhere in the young stud's appearance - from the handsome face lit up by a breathtaking, awe-inspiring gorgeous smile to his oh-so-flawless, perfectly proportioned, defined body that has graced the covers of fitness magazines and erotic fiction collections. Since his debut in the BGEast Arena, his stunning masculine sexiness inspired fans to reach for their credit cards and deluge the office with letters and emails demanding more, much more, of his Hispanic hotness.

Alas, his lusty Latin loveliness has inspired a different emotion in the other studs in the BG East stable -jealousy and envy. One cannot be a wrestler without possessing an ego - and no one likes to think they're second best. Pity poor Rio! Every wrestler he's faced at BG East has come into the match with a raging desire to humble and humiliate the Hispanic hottie, to mop the mats with his muscular machismo, to break and bend his beauty. And our cute, young, wholesome hunk Mike Pitt proves to be no exception.

Mike Pitt originally styled himself the Pitbull when he came to BG East, boasting of his amateur experience and his pro training, his muscles and his boyish good looks. The Boss being The Boss, he decided the 'Pitbull' needed some humbling - throwing the youngster into the ring with some nefarious nasties: Bulldog Barzini, Dick Rick and Donnie Drake - bully bastards who humiliated and humbled the hot humpy hunk! And now, his ego smarting and with something to prove, mighty Mike wants to get some of his own back - and who better to take it out on, and make his stepping stone, than the gorgeous Garza?


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Bad Day


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Rio Garza vs. Mike Pitt
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Stripped to a jock, off to the ring!

With his head trapped between Mike's thick thighs, Rio's tied and ravaged over the ropes

Mike Pitt - 5'8, 175 lbs

Rio bulges in his skin tight singlet

Punishing single leg boston

Bulldog cheers on his protege

The pretty muscle boy gets stretched to the limit: Backbreaking Bulldog Barzini torture rack

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