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  Caleb Brand vs. Gavin Keys  

Newbie Gavin Keys - 6'2, 210

Super tight head squeezing scissors

Sweaty torso trapped in the ropes

Heels in the groin nelson scissors

210 pounds of flying pretty boy: Caleb suplexes the rookie down hard onto his head and shoulders

Keys To The Kingdom or Ring of Fire?

Looks certainly are deceiving when it comes to Caleb Brand. He looks like the prototype of the California surfer dude - longish curly blond hair, eyes as blue as the sea, and deep dimples when he smiles. But when he climbs through the ropes and into the wrestling ring, he's no surferboy - he's a sadistic son of a bitch who likes to lay on the hurt! Those oh-so-blue eyes glaze over, the corners of his mouth twitch, and if you're his opponent you'd better hurt him fast and hurt him hard, or else you'll quickly be toast!

And Caleb's put on some beefy bulk since his debut in the BGEast Arena - the more size, the more power, the more pain! And he loves nothing more than rookie-wrecking. But he's been in The Boss' doghouse for a while - he no-showed a match - which scores about a 9.7 in the delicate art of Pissing Off the Boss. Everyone knows the quickest and easiest way out of The Boss' doghouse is to effectively and stylishly punish a newbie or save him some money, or even better, both! So Caleb agrees to break in a rookie, 'on the house.'

Gavin Keys is fresh out of training school, and has some big dreams of ring stardom - and what better place for a cute young rookie wrestler to make a name for himself than the BGEast arena? Like so many others before him, he asked for a tryout - and The Boss liked what he saw in the blond, fresh-faced and seemingly very vulnerable youth! Besides, a try-out doesn't cost the skinflint, I mean Boss, anything - especially when he's got Caleb lined up to break him in for free. Oh, and for some added incentive, The Boss lets Caleb know he expects to be impressed or his contract will be flushed down the toilet! Unfortunately for Gavin, Caleb knows exactly what The Boss likes - the total demolition of a rookie!


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Wreckers 1: Bad, Badder, Baddest!


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Caleb Brand vs. Gavin Keys
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FREE Action Clip on Arena

No Keys to the Kingdom: Rookie initiations, Caleb chokes the life and fight out of the pretty boy

Gavin battered, beaten & bulging

Rearranging the rookie's features

Figure 4 punishes the pretty boy

Pain! Double arm bar and leg nelson

Fully weighted back-bending boston

The fiery rookie fights back, traps Caleb in his head to head version of a small package

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