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  Brendan Byers vs. Cole Cassidy  

Brendan Byers - 6'2, 190

Cole corners Brendan before the bell

Brutal suspended surfboard

Brendan bulging in a boston

Cole has Byers right where he wants him - snug tight under his crotch in figure 4 head scissors

Second Helpings, or, One Very Needy Greedy Heel

Sometimes, delivering one brutal beating on a hot guy just isn't enough! When Cole Cassidy teamed up with Damien Heller to completely destroy Alan Day and Brendan Byers in Tag Team Torture 8, it was Cole's second go at brutalizing babyface Alan. Dishing out a second helping of punishment on Alan was just enough to satisfy Cole's lust for destruction. However, having only one pass at dominating long, lean babyface Brendan Byers was not enough. "I've got some unfinished business with Stretch," Cole argued when The Boss was reluctant to book another re-match. And Cole is all about symmetry whether muscular or symbolic. He needs this match with Brendan to close the circle.

Why did cute young Brendan deserve another face-off against one of BG East's most notorious bad boys? Perhaps a better question would be: what was Brendan thinking when he agreed to meet Cole yet again, this time one-on-one!? Was it really just the paycheck, or the payback seeking revenge? Or having tasted Cole's unique brand of wrestling domination, is it possible Brendan just couldn't help himself to more of being mastered by one of the best? Cole has been a buzzsaw ripping through the ranks of young BG East hopefuls, and Brendan, more than most, surely knew what undoubtedly awaited him.

Whatever the psychology, Brendan should have been watching his back from the moment he stepped into the small dressing room of the private Florida wrestling arena. He's still tying his boots in the locker room when Cole charges in and pins him up against the wall with one claw clamped across Brendan's throat and the other claw crushing his crotch. "I'm going to fuck you up, boy!" Cole promises with undisguised pleasure. "I'm not your nightmare. I'm your WORST... fucking... nightmare!" Cole spins him around and grabs one handful of hair and a second handful of the back of Brendan's pretty white trunks and drags him, groaning, into the arena and through the ropes for "Round 2."

After Cole unceremoniously tosses him into the ring, Brendan digs the wedged trunks out of his ass and quickly tries to regain his composure. Sizing Cole up, Brendan cracks a confident grin. A flash of hope brightens the babyface for just an instant as he looks down from his 6'2" height at vascular muscle freak Cole, who is a full half a foot shorter. Enjoy that winning, alluring toothy babyface smile. It's the last smile you'll see on Brendan's face for the next 30 minutes. You'll see balls and butt and lots of pain on his face but no smile.


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Brendan Byers vs. Cole Cassidy
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Cole's piledriving pedigree

Brendan bent bad in Cole's combination rookie wrecker backbreaker and dragon sleeper

Cole Cassidy - 5'8, 170

Brendan racked over the apron

Chin lock and knee to the spine

A humiliating reverse schoolboy

With battered Brendan trapped in the corner Cole grabs some tight white trunks and aims a big fist

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