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  Paul Hudson vs. Chip Chang  

Chip Chang - 5'7, 150 lbs

Tight abs stretched out on the mat

Leg spread full nelson

Chip tries to escape the sleeper

A photograph is worth a thousand words, in this case it might only be one word - Demolished!

A Chang Is Gonna Come, or, The Deep End: In Over His Head

Paul Hudson crashes Chip Chang's photo shoot at the gazebo. Hudson and Chang are scheduled to wrestle, and Hudson wants to get right to it. He doesn't have time for body worship or fancy-pants aesthetics. In his book, wrestling is about one thing and only one thing - wrestling, wrestling till one man unequivocally dominates the other man, wrestling as a test of a man's mettle. This is not a beauty contest. Bicep poses among the azaleas is for phonies. With over a dozen bouts at BG East under his belt, both solo and tag team (with Cameron Mathews), Hudson has put himself up against bigger men with prizewinning physiques and against golden-haired Adonises who think their shit don't stink. He can play by the rules and he can cut corners if he has to. He may not always win, but whoever fights Hudson knows for sure he was in a fight. Other wrestlers might be thinking about what their best side is or how the light will highlight their cheekbones, but Hudson just wants to get down and dirty on the mat. And Hudson is one of the best.

Newcomer Chip is indeed an object of beauty - and he certainly loves being admired. Some time ago he approached BG East, begging for a shot at wrestling glory. He is more than a pretty face with neat abs, he told us, and he wanted to prove that point against somebody really good. We rolled around a few ideas. At first we thought he'd be great in a twink-versus-twink match. Skimpy gear and a quart of baby oil. Then we hit on the idea, pure inspiration, of fighting him against Hudson - a scrappy hothead with a killer instinct. If Chip was as good as he claimed, this match could be fireworks. We ran the idea past Chip, and he said, "Sure: Time and place." Hudson was a harder sell. He looked at us, squinting, and shook his head: "I don't know, bros. I thought I was beyond having to break in the new jobber meat." We told him this rookie might be a challenge, so if he didn't think he was really up to it, then .... And just like that, he signed the dotted line.

If Chip is intimidated when Hudson scares off the photographer, he doesn't give anything away. The Boss wanted posed shots of the newcomer, and Chip gamely followed the photographer's directions for what seemed like hours. He's proud of his body, and clearly he loves the attention. He's used to it, too. But what he's been craving lately, what he's here for, is an altogether different kind of attention - the focused attention of an adversary and the knowledge that every nerve ending in the guy he's facing is directed at him - in this very moment, no distractions, pure and entire physical and mental involvement. Tired of the genteelly appreciative gaze of eyes at the gym, at the clubs, even at the photo shoots, Chip came to BGE because he wants something more - the intense and riveted concentration that comes of pitting oneself in battle against a worthy adversary.


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Grapplers 12


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Paul Hudson vs. Chip Chang
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Bodyscissor pain is intensified with clubbing forearm smashes

Back bending submission hold

Chip in mid photo shoot

White trunks highlight tight cakes on Paul Hudson - 5'7, 160 lbs

Spladle pin, baskets bulge

Chip's screams incite Paul more

Cute Chip Chang all tied up with nowhere to go! Sexy sleeper and fearsome figure 4 bodyscissors!

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