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  Jobe Zander vs. Rio Garza  

Jobe Zander - 6'0, 175

Muscle sans oxygen = useless

Suffering from multiple low blows

Mexican hotcakes get the big wedgie

Refusing Jobe's demands and fighting off the sleeper hold, Rio won't go out!

Sexier: The Centerpiece vs The Centerfold

"ME! Jobe Zander, The Centerpiece, in from California, back at BG East, got a whole new look and looking better than ever!," Jobe pronounces as he poses for the camera. And most of that is very true! He's much more ripped up and blonder than when last we saw him - though there's a decided edge to his prideful boasting. Seems our Jobe is annoyed by the type of opponents The Boss has sent his way, and even more annoyed at the outcome of each and every of his recent matches. "Well, not tonight!," he promises, as he continues to display his pulchritude for the BG East camera.

When the stunningly beautiful Rio makes a quiet but confident entrance in his silver bikini and strikes an eye-popping muscle pose for the camera, which immediately pans away from Jobe and over to Rio, The Centerpiece becomes, how shall we say, a bit off center! While Jobe certainly looks better than ever, he's still no where near the muscular magnificence which is Rio Garza, who's bigger and beefier than ever and the recent subject of many a photo shoot for muscle and fitness magazines and websites. Each time the videographer is lured by Rio Garza's greatness, Jobe insists that the cameraman return the focus to him. Jobe's attempt to out-pose Rio is a source of obvious frustration for the recently blond since there is but one part of the anatomy where Jobe would seem to be bigger.... But even that vaunted centerpiece cannot command the attention that a simple, elegant and effortless pose from Rio elicits.

For despite what Jobe is saying, the truth is he has indeed been confounded, yet again, and perhaps penultimately, by the choice of opponent The Boss has booked with him. And when he begins to insist that while Rio looks amazing, he, Jobe, looks even better, we begin to realize that even he doesn't really believe it. Adding insult to injury, Rio has never even heard of "The Centerpiece." Jobe is intimidated AND angry and when the match begins he begins to take out his frustrations on the pretty Mexican boy. A cheap shots to the abs, a cheap shot to the sack, and cranking side headlock where he introduces Rio's face directly to his centerpiece! He corners the handsome and wails on his abs, buries his boot into his throat and opines that "it's too bad there's no ref to help you!"


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Breaking Point: Sexy, Sexier, Sexiest!*


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Jobe Zander vs. Rio Garza
33 minutes

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The Breaking Point: Sexy, Sexier, Sexiest! Arena Galleries

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Jobe takes a hands on approach, grabbing Rio's exclusive package

Rio succumbs to Jobe's finisher

Coverboy Rio Garza - 6'0, 185

Jobe wants his camera time

Sunset flip pin, Rio at his best!

Cornering the stud with a boot choke

Arms trapped at his sides, Rio suffers under Jobe's punishing double pec claw

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