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  Dick Rick vs. Joshua Goodman  

Dick Rick, 6'1, 215

Dick bridges in Mr. J's headscissors

Dick's diving double axe handle

Mr J cranks on his camel combo

Dick's dastardly deed: Overt throttling to doscombobulate the opponent


Nothing chaps Mr. Joshua's perfectly sculpted ass more than the mere suggestion he might not be the sexiest wrestler at BGEast. He calls himself "the total package" and who can argue? He's talented, handsome, exquisitely defined, wonderfully proportioned, and then there's that impressive package about which poetry has been penned! From the moment Dick Rick joined the BGEast stable, Mr. J has watched his meteoric rise to stardom with a jaundiced eye. He's seen the fan message boards light up with praise for the newcomer, he's seen Dick booked with all the leading lights and brightest stars in the BGE firmament - and he hasn't liked it. He's worked long and hard, after all, to be a BGEast superstar, and now this Dick comes along thinking he can supplant THE Mr. Joshua? Oh, no, no, no! The jealous Mr. J cannot sit still for that!

The great irony is the two could have come out of the same mold and would likely have made a splendid tag team. Dark hair, perfectly sculpted muscles, and the same win-at-all-costs mentality once they climb into the ring make them an ideal match! The only question about this serendipitous match is whether there is room in the ring for both egos!

Mr. Joshua is warming up and pumping up in the ring with a pair of dumbbells when Mr. Dick arrives and begins to instruct Mr. J on the proper use of weights and the Fine Art of Posing. The ploy works like a charm: Mr. J is totally riled. Totally distracted by umbrage and unable to restrain himself any longer, Joshua lets loose with a string of taunts and insults - until Dick lays him out with a sucker punch to the washboard abs! "Keep talking," Dick laughs as he goes to work on the sexy superstar! "You're a real dick," Mr. J manages to choke out while trapped in a vicious surfboard - which only inspires the Dickster to more vicious abuse of his oh-so-perfectly built opponent. And what's a choke between friends? And when you can't seem to get a good grip for a choke with your hands, why not use the ropes! A vicious stomach claw, and Mr. J seems to be shockingly, prematurely finished! But the Tricky Dick promises that he is not finished with his opponent. Averting disaster, Mr. J gets a nasty head scissors on Dick, and goes to work on HIS perfect abs!


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Dick Rick vs. Joshua Goodman
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The Devilish Dick Rick Rack

More choking with a big boot to the adams apple - Josh gasps for air!

Josh puts the boot to Dick

Seated surfboard stretch

Josh pins the Dick: 1... 2....

Mr J cornered: Dick's shoulder drive

Dick Rick reads Mr J the riot act as Josh grovels on the mat caressing his battered bulge

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