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  Jobe Zander vs. Boyd Jensen  

Jobe Zander - 6' 190

Attacking 'The Centerpiece'

Jobe taunts Boyd

The Centerpiece clawed

Reverse schoolboy face smother

"A Place at the Table"

Ah, Jobe Zander. Has BGEast ever had a more boastful braggadocio than the self-annointed 'Centerpiece'? True, he has held some indy title belts, and no one can deny that the man enjoys his work in the ring - especially showing off that massive bulge, so prominent that it's earned its own nickname. But Jobe hasn't had many victories at BG East - in fact, none! He has suffered abuse at the hands of everyone from Jonny Firestorm to Kid Vicious to Cole Cassidy and even ultra-lightweight rookie Billy Lodi - and always goes on a foaming-at-the mouth tirade, ranting that he's been "set up by The Boss", that his foes are "underhanded dirty fighters" and on and on and on. He has, frankly, an excuse for just about everything, it seems. In his own arrogance, apparently he did NO research on BGEast before signing on to the roster! Maybe his brains are in his centerpiece!

Boyd Jensen is a newcomer to BGEast, but like Jobe, has made a name for himself in an indy promotion, as a wrestler and promoter - and like Jobe, has held a title belt or two himself. And while Boyd and Jobe themselves have never met in the ring before, there's a little history there. After Jobe left one promotion and Boyd joined it, Jobe very publicly mocked the promotion and its stars - Boyd in particular. When Boyd wrote to The Boss asking for a shot with BGEast - and a shot at Jobe in particular, The Boss was more than happy to oblige! He's SUCH a giver - and Boyd guaranteed The Boss that not only would he beat Jobe, he would completely embarrass him - and in doing so position himself high in the BG ranks.


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Jobe Zander vs. Boyd Jensen
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A handfull of Centerpiece

Jobe's pin and verbal assault

Boyd Jensen - 5'7 160

Jobe nails his finisher 'The Dishonorable Discharge'

Jobe chokes Jensen

Split wide and vulnerable

Boyd Jenson down for the count...

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