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  Luc Bonay vs. Nate Hanson  

Luc Bonay 5'5, 155

Nate pounds on Luc's tough abs

Nate dominates and man-handles Luc

Nasty back hammer and chinlock

Luc wants some revenge

Muscles? What Muscles?

Luc is built like the proverbial brick shithouse. Short and thickly muscled, his body caught the attention of the fans in his first two matches'and the fact that he has one of the most impressive butts to ever appear in a BGEast match certainly didn't hurt his popularity, either. Luc also showed that he doesn't mind being worked over, either'the beating Kid Vicious gave him was the stuff of jobber-heel fantasies! And going up against rookie Gabriel Ross'well, the surprisingly sadistic young blond with the massive dick certainly knew how to get the sap rising in the muscle bound Frenchmen who's own big boy was very nearly a match! With his olive skin, thick muscles and shaved head, Luc was sure he'd have a much easier time of it with newcomer Nate'forgetting there's more to wrestling than just having a hot body.

A Yank living abroad, Nate is a well-known and very accomplished wrestler British underground circuit. His win record would be the envy of any active mat man. Nate wasn't about to let some short musclebound French punk take the wind out of his sails in his BGEast debut! The two face off against each other in our London mat room, Nate just leaning against the wall and watching as Luc displays his muscles in pose after pose'all the while making contemptuous comparisons of their two bodies! Nate just shakes his head'he's taken apart much bigger guys than the skinhead Frenchmen! Fed up with the posing and posturing Nate drives a stiff punch into Luc's muscled abs sending the shorter stud crumbling to the mat. To accentuate the moment, Nate casually reaches down and strips Luc's white shorts off, leaving him clad only in tighty whitie boxers that cling to that delectable ass like a second skin' Oh yes, THIS is gonna be FUN!


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Luc Bonay vs. Nate Hanson
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Luc cradled and spread for the pin

Double grapevine and bully pin

Nate Hanson 6', 180

Luc leg-spread and vulnerbale

Luc admires himself in the mirror

Getting nasty with the Frenchman

Nate adds a nasty neck crank to his double grapevines

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