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  Alexi Adamov vs. Patrick Donovan  

Alexi Adamov, 6'3, 225

Patrick pins the pretty boy

Patrick poses; Alexi choked

Patrick cradles Alexi

Alexi humbles and humiliates Patrick

Hot Fun In the Summer Sun

Alexi is a very proud young man, and the humiliations he's endured since his arrival at BGEast have done nothing to lessen either his pride or his ambition. He's proud of his extraordinary body, he's proud work ethic, and he's proud of his skill. All those losses? Pfah! Those weren't fair fights'the other guys fought dirty! Those matches don't count! And he is very aware of who put his opponents up to the beatings he's endured'he has gone from a wide-eyed kid to a bitter young man jaded by his experience. He trusts few of the other wrestlers at BGEast, and has made even fewer friends around the locker room. And when Patrick called with a match challenge'he blew it off. 'Yeah, right, whatever.'

Patrick has his own emotional and physical battle scars from his years with BGEast, and he expects some respect from the guys who haven't been around as long as he has. He's not about to let some newbie punk just blow him off! Patrick's been around the block, and he knows how to get the word out. Every time Alexi walks into the gym, or to the ring for a training session, he gets asked, 'Why you ducking Donovan, rookie?' 'You scared?' The pressure continues to build, along with taunting phone calls and emails from Patrick himself! Finally Alexi explodes. 'All right man, let's do this,' he seethes into his phone. 'Backyard; I've got the mats set up.' Alexi storms around to the back of the BGEast compound, where he spies Donovan standing on the mats. Alexi lets out a torrent of vocal abuse'disparaging Patrick's body, his skill, his TAN. The two go at it on the mats, and tear into each other with a fury and determination to humiliate the other once and for all!


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Alexi Adamov vs. Patrick Donovan · 26 minutes · $24.95

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Schoolboy pin challenge met!

Alexi drawn and quartered

Patrick Donovan 6', 185

Alexi body squeezes Patrick

Alexi choked with his shorts

Humiliating folding press

Patrick pummels Alexi's abs

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