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  Mitch Colby vs. Tyrell Tomsen  

Mitch Colby 6'2, 205

200 lbs of man muscle in a rack

Mitch's mouth agape in agony

Tyrells' big splashy suplex

Bracing himself on the pool steps, Mitch delivers the big wet squeeze

Muscle Brawl by the Pool

Fitness model and personal trainer Mitch 'The Body' Colby has enjoyed a meteoric rise since his debut against Alexi Adamov in The Gazebo. It's not hard to see why, as he tans himself in the pool at the BGEast southern Flroida compound. His thickly muscled body is ripped and beautifully proportioned, like the statue of a Greek god. And despite ultimately going down to defeat in his ring debut against sneaky win-at-any-cost Cole, he's made a lot of waves amongst the other wrestlers. And his ego, built up over long hours spent in the gym developing those muscles, is up there with Mr. Joshua's. He doesn't believe any of the other wrestlers have a body that can compare to his -- and has no problem sharing that belief with anyone who asks. In fact, he frequently offers the other wrestlers 'tips' on how to improve their own bodies -- which isn't winning him any popularity contests.

Newcomer Tyrell Thomsen is no slouch in the muscle department, either. Tyrell is also a fitness model, appearing in numerous exercise magazines and currently in negotiations to make his own weight training video series. Invited by The Boss to make use of the pool, he is more than happy to stop by one afternoon to cool off. Of course, the Boss neglected to mention to Tyrell that Mitch would be there -- and somehow forgot to mention to Mitch, trying to deepen his own tan in preparation for a photo shoot -- that the musclebound newcomer would be stopping by. (The Boss does like to stir things up, doesn't he?)


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Mitch Colby vs. Tyrell Tomsen
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Massive muscle under the sun: Pose down show down

Tyrell Tomsen 6', 200

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Sweaty muscle hunk Mitch works a single leg boston on Tyrell

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