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  Damien Heller & Cole Cassidy vs. Alan Day & Brendan Byers  

Cole Cassidy & Damien Heller

Cole stomps Brendan Byers

Heller's hellacious head lock

Heller lays in the boot

Get up, jobber boy!

High Hopes & Hot Heels

Cole Cassidy has become one of the biggest stars in BGEast, and the way he has mowed down every opponent who has gotten into the ring with him since his debut has made him one of the most feared wrestlers in the BG East stable of stars. There is no shortcut too brutal or nasty for him to use?and the cocky attitude and ripped body don?t hurt, either! His vicious mauling of sexy young Alan Day in the kid's debut match for the company had everyone wondering if Alan would ever step into the ring again?so you can imagine the expression on The Boss? face when Alan demanded another shot at Cole!

?Sorry, kid. You only get one shot at someone here at BGEast,? the Boss replied, ?but if I get you a tag partner, I might be able to arrange a tag match. You up for that, kid?? Alan agreed, and the Boss recruited lean boy-next-door Brendan Byers to watch his back in this grudge rematch. (Alan, Helpful Hint #1: Never trust The Boss!) And while sexy Brendan is an experienced ring vet, his own record is hardly impressive. But then, not many wrestlers would have a winning record against the likes of Joe Mazetti, The Brooklyn Bodywrecker, and Aryx Quinn?so maybe it wasn?t as cruel as a set up as one might initially think - and as a team, they sure LOOK good together!

As for Cole, at first he wanted to take them both on without a partner, 2 on 1,?but The Boss wasn?t about to allow a risk like that with one of his hottest properties. ?Come on, man, you let Barzini do it?and I am twice the fucking wrestler he is,? Cole insisted?to no avail. Finally, anxious to have another chance to hurt Alan Day, he agreed to let fellow Floridian Damien Heller have his back, and Damien was more than happy to team up with the rattlesnake. Damien is an experienced mat wrestler with a surging sadistic streak, and a thickly muscled body that carries a lot of power?and he was eager to make his BGE ring debut. He would be the 'beef' while Cole, if you can believe it, would be the 'brains'. Well, turns out, Heller The Hellion is cut from the same brutal cloth as Cole.


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Team Torture 8


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Damien Heller & Cole Cassidy vs. Alan Day & Brendan Byers
34 minutes

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Tag Team Torture 8 Arena Galleries

Brendan cornered and bashed

Double over-the-knee back breaker

Alan Day & Brendan Byers

Brendan gets SLAMMED!

Alan works a reverse bear hug

Day stomped; Byers bent

Classic Bow & Arrow: A cool, cruel Cole Cassidy specialty

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