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  Joe Driver vs. Mike Martin  

Mike Martin - 5'7, 152

Deep reverse head scissors

Joe drives a bear hug

Joe smothers Mike into his crotch

Leg-splitting folded matchbook pin

"Back to the Gazebo, One on One"

Ever since the five-man gazebo battle (Gazebo Grapplers 4), these two have been itching to get their hands on each other in a solo bout. Both of them have had some success on their own in solo matches, and the bad blood born out of the now-legendary rumble in the gazebo has never died down between these two, showing up in emailed taunts to each other, messages passed from one wrestler to another, and the Boss finally had enough of it. He HATES it when the wrestlers start feuding, unless of course he started it himself. 'Settle on the mats, boys!' he commands, and sent them back to the gazebo to get it out of their systems and work it out once and for all.

Brit star Mike Martin was one of the co-stars of the award-winning XFIGHTS UK XXX, and feels personally responsible for its popularity and success. 'The other guys were just filler, riding on my coattails,' he said before heading out to the gazebo, striking a muscle pose. And in his form fitting square cuts, it's hard to argue with him! 'Did Driver even show up? I am going to kick that bloody wanker's arse once and for all!'


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Grapplers 7


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Joe Driver vs. Mike Martin
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