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  Sky Davis vs. Matt Ledge  

Sky Davis - 5'8, 138

Testing eachother and themselves

Sky bent in a single leg boston

Sky's in the air in Matt's rack

"Tough Pro in a Small Package"

There's nothing quite so much fun to watch than two young men with pride in themselves and a determination to make their mark in the world. Men become professional wrestlers from a multitude of different backgrounds and experiences, and from different walks of life. But no one comes into pro wrestling without the dream, and the desire, to one day hold a championship belt of some kind over their heads, to feel the weight of that metal around their waists as they walk to or from the ring.

Take Sky Davis and Matt Ledge, two youngsters from blue-collar backgrounds where college was never an option, where the expectation was to get jobs in the same factories their fathers worked, get a house in the same neighborhood, and hang out in the local bar on Saturdays drinking beer and watching WWE. To them, the world of professional wrestling was all either of them could have wanted. The roar of the crowds, the bright lights of the arena, and the exhilaration of the match itself, the knowledge that everything and everyone there was for the purpose of watching you perform with another man to excite your public.

A new boy to the business has all sorts of issues to wrestle with, not the least of which is testing his opponent's limits - as well as his own. How much punishment can he take and how much can I absorb. How deep can I drop that elbow? How hard can I stomp that boot? How stiff can I apply that submission hold? How much pain can I endure before I'm forced to croak those dreaded words "I give?"


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Sky Davis vs. Matt Ledge
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Other Sky Davis Matches

Pros in Private 6 Arena Galleries

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Sky cranks up a nasty side headlock

Matt's mid-air full power slam

Matt Ledge - 6', 172

Matt cranks a mean arm bar

Mean Matt grinds Sky's neck

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