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  Manny Mendez vs. Chace LaChance  

Manny Mendez: 6', 230 lbs

Chace manages to muscle Manny to his knees and bends him back in an inverted headlock

Bringing the pinup-prettyboy to the mat, Manny claws and digs deep in his sculpted midesction

Chace's years of pent-up jobber frustration break free as he clutches and cranks Manny back by his chin

A contrast of ease and struggle: Chace struggles as Manny easily forces him to his knees in a test of strength

"Not so strong now, huh!?"

It's been a couple beats since Chace LaChance climbed into the BG East ring. He's collected some more tattoos and earned a few worry lines, but he's still got those award-winning abs and big brown doe eyes that make heels just want to beat him hard. He's every ounce the muscle hunk he always was, but he's got a cynicism about him these days that comes from admitting that a hot body and a handsome face don't win wrestling matches. In fact, sometimes they just get you bashed that much more brutally.

Manny Mendez has bulldozed all opponents in his first few matches with BG East. He's huge - and completely contemptuous of pretty boys like Chace. When he finds the returning muscle hunk admiring himself in the BGE ring mirror, Manny shoulders Chace out of the way: his gargantuan biceps are even bigger than Chace's perfectly proportioned peaks. It's less a pose-down than a shoving match for real estate. "This is what lean muscle looks like," Chase snarls, strumming his washboard abs like a guitar. "Bigger don't mean stronger," he says with a smirk, as he dares to challenge mighty Manny to a test of strength.

Instantly, Manny drives Chace to his knees. "Right where you belong," Manny taunts. Absolutely overpowering the stunned muscle hunk, he flings Chace across the ring like tossing a horseshoe. "Nothing but a little boy." It's no contest, and Chace is chastened, muttering to himself in embarrassment as he reevaluates the size of the mountain that he's set for himself to climb. He's been down this road once too often, been humiliated by even bigger and badder.

"Let's see some poses," Chace challenges, determined to demonstrate his 'pretty' - if not power. He flexes his sculpted back and biceps in a clear bid to capture year-end best-body votes for BGE fan poll again. Never one to pass up a chance to put a muscle hunk in his shadow, Manny proudly shows his doe eyed opponent his own bulging back and mountainous biceps, giving Chace just the opening he was looking for to punch the big man in the balls. Chase is vicious! With big Manny on all fours choking on the agony, Chace pummels Manny's big balls again, determined to dish out what big bad heels have been burying Chase under for years: pain. "Not so strong now, huh," Chace sneers.

It's an increasingly desperate battle not to be the hunk being bashed in this brutal clash of titans. Balls are stomped mercilessly. Spladles, headscissors, and breathtaking suspended full nelsons shockingly put both beautiful, bitter bodies on mouthwatering display. One stunned hunk just can't keep up with the relentless power moves, and slowly, but surely, it becomes clear who's going to be the hunk on the receiving end of the avalanche of hurt crashing down at the finale of this match: it's the one begging for mercy that his opponent refuses to grant!


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Manny Mendez vs. Chace LaChance
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Manny hoists Chace over his shoulders like a sack of flour and hefts his muscle easily around the ring

Manny manages to lift Chace off his feet with a choke as he threatens ruin for the poster boy

Chace's biceps swell about and crush Manny's head and neck, dropping him to his knees in a rear choke

This is what lean muscle looks like: Chace steals the spotlight from the big man in front of the mirror

"Not so strong now huh?!" Chace taunts his bigger foe with a crotch-smothering headscissors

A victorious double bicep flex from the big man as he headscissors Chace into oblivion

Chace LaChance: 5'9, 180 lbs

Manny looks larger than life (and much bigger than Chace) as he forces his opponent to his knees with a choke

Manny's muscle mass swells as his hands bear down threatening to pop Chace's pretty head like a balloon

Chace's return to the ring looks like it's going to end up like his earlier ventures as he sags in a full nelson

Manny nearly salivating as his arms coil tightly around his smaller foe's head and neck in a rear choke

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