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  Leroy Blaze vs. Rocky Sparks

Leroy Blaze: 6', 150 lbs

The two ab-bashing brothers go to the mats as Rocky hammer smashes his foe's ripped core

Leroy has nowhere to go, bound to the ropes and left wide open to Rocky's brutal whims

Bound and brought to his knees, Leroy is on the cusp of proving himself against the brutal ab assault

Hangin upside down outside the ring, Leroy's stomach is exposed to Rocky's merciless attack

Leroy and Rocky celebrate the initiation showing respect to each other's formidable midsections

Abs of Concrete: Bound Bashed Brotherhood Initiation 2

Rocky and his abs were initiated into the Brotherhood shortly after he joined the BGEast fraternity, and since then, Rocky has explored aspects of his gut punishment fetish to his heart's desire. When pro stud Leroy Blaze wants to audition, Rocky is skeptical. He's seen some of the kid's matches and doesn't think he has what it takes in that department - but like the big-hearted, smiling sadist he is, Rocky decided to give the kid a chance, figuring Leroy will be begging for mercy and run out of the ring holding his washboard abs, humbled and horrified.

There's more to LeRoy than Rocky thinks or would believe, though, and once Rocky starts beating on LeRoy's iron abs, he's impressed. The fighter can not only take it, but he can dish it out on those equally magnificent abs of Rocky's, turning those hairy abs bright red as Leroy pounds on them like a drum. Kicks, scissors, slams, elbow drops - back and forth they go, working a truly impressive series of holds and moves while managing to always work in the other's abs. Leroy refuses to cry out or even wince as Rocky keeps up the rat-a-tat-tat on Leroy's abs - then Leroy happily returns the favor! It's a test of resolution and pain thresholds, and sometimes it looks like Rocky is the one being tested! Each uses the ring ropes to tie each other up or suspend their foe, displaying a fantastic muscled target for more fist or foot action.

Rocky, realizing that they are both having a great time, amps up the bashing and Leroy follows suit, matching him brutality for brutality, and Rocky's doubts began to fade as his pain-pleasure increases. Leroy is earning his respect, and Rocky can't remember the last time a potential initiate was this into his own ab torture...which drives Rocky to more sexy viciousness, even using additional ropes to secure the applicant to the ring ropes so he can't protect his midsection. Leroy goes along, eager to prove once and for all just how amazing his own battered ab muscles still are. The two guys bring their battle to an end, Rocky beside himself impressed, and the two new gut-buds go out to celebrate this amazing initiation into the bound bashed brotherhood.

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Bash 22: Bound Bashed Brotherhood


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Leroy Blaze vs. Rocky Sparks
36 minutes

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Rocky looks set to use absolutely anything he can get his hands on to break Leroy's abs down

Kneeling with arms strapped to the ring ropes, Leroy is helpless as Rocky's fists pummel their target

Working a double underhook, Rocky stretches and crushes Leroy from behind with a bodyscissors

Grounded and stretched out, trapped in a bodyscissors, Leroy is nothing but a punishment sponge

Leroy refuses to let Rocky have all the fun and drops an elbow to the grounded ab legend's core

Leroy's big elbow drop drives deep and elicits cries of agony from a suffering Sparks

Rocky Sparks: 5'9, 155 lbs

Backing the blonde into the buckles, Leroy whips a vicious knee up into Rocky's abs

With his groin ripped wide and rolled up, Leroy can do nothing to defend himself as Rocky batters away

Rocky drapes his foe across the ropes and drives a wicked elbow into his stretched out gut

A howling Rocky's abs start to show signs of weakening as Leroy rains big stomps from above

Leroy kneels, arms draped over the ropes, all the fight drained from him by a rampaging Rocky

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