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  Jonny Firestorm vs. Jake Jenkins

Twisted over the ropes, Jakes' body has never looked better

Abs weakened, the claw pushes Jake over the edge

Crotch ripped, Jake suffers magnificently

Perfection in Pain: Jonny's full crab breaks Jake

Jake suspended and shown off in suffering glory

Punitive Damages

Jake Jenkins looks absolutely amazing in the ring, stuffed into metallic aquamarine trunks, barefoot, his ankles and wrists taped. His warm-up regimen accentuates his agility and speed. Jonny Firestorm, in white trunks and also barefoot, takes a moment to size him up, but then smiles as he crawls through the ropes, hardly believing his good luck. Brimming with confidence, he tells the handsome rookie he's got a pizza on order and, by the looks of things, he can win the match and shower before dinner arrives in "thirty minutes or less." Jake glances up at him, unimpressed. Like everybody else at BG East, he knows that Jonny is the company's master heel and its "hooker," the guy The Boss calls in when he wants a popular wrestler to shave a hundred off his ask price ... or when he decides it's time to snuff out that wrestler's career for good. Jake doesn't find Jonny intimidating. He has faced better and bigger, and the veteran looks like he's carrying a few extra pounds of pizza dough that will probably slow him down. Jake strikes a pose, accentuating the smooth grille of his stomach muscles. Jonny advances, as if ready to admire them up close, but at the last second he slugs Jake hard in the abs. Winded, Jake crumples to his knees.

Jonny gives Jake's pretty abs a really good pounding, by fist, by elbow, and by knee. Then he whirls the pretty boy around, forcing him to watch his own humiliating beatdown in the mirror. A genius of the stiff punch, Jonny is pretty famous for his devastating scissorholds, too. Once he locks the steel clamp of his thighs on an opponent's head or waist, it's said, you need pepper spray and a blowtorch to pry him loose. Miraculously, though, Jake manages to struggle up to his feet with Jonny's legs still clenching his midsection. In a deft and effective move, he then bashes Jonny's head to the mat, breaking free. He throws a few gut punches of his own and then dropkicks Jonny through the ropes. Quickly reasserting his dominance, Jonny uses the ropes as a rack upon which to stretch, pull, and pummel Jake, and then, in a sublimely dastardly touch, yank out the dude's armpit hair. Then thrusting Jake into the corner, he applies a Von Erich-style iron claw to Jake's abs, gaining the first submission of what promises to be a match for the record books here at BG East!

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Jonny Firestorm vs. Jake Jenkins
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Bend but do not quite break, at least not yet!

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Another Leopard-lock to impress the boss and influence a victim

Butt to butt: camel clutch never looked so good

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