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  Jonny Firestorm vs. Gabe Steel*  

Gabe faces Superheel Jonny!

Jonny topples the big latino stud to the mat and digs maliciously deep into his thick pecs

Gabe struts the ring, enjoying the sight of the feared heel kneeling, coddling his busted balls

Gabe's big muscled body bends perilously backwards in a ball-clawing backbreaker variation

A backbreaking single-leg boston crab leaves Gabe's crotch open for a crushing blow

Gabe is blinded with his own fluorescent gear as Jonny bashes and digs his knuckles into his package


Jonny strides up to the ring in a navy-blue singlet, a travel pack on his shoulder. Already at ringside, Gabe cannot contain his joy at seeing his longtime wrestling idol. Jonny nods his head and commends Gabe's upper body muscle. "You have quite the reputation," he says. Modestly, Gabe says, "I've been building up to it." Jonny then gestures towards the bulge up front on Steel's salmon-pink trunks and asks, "I wonder if you live up to it down there." Gabe grins broadly, "It's unbreakable, man." Steel is his name, and steel is his invincibility. Not breaking eye contact, Firestorm replies, "I'll put that into the test."

Both these guys are legends of underground wrestling, and their bulges are, no pun intended, no small part of their reputations. In the ring, Gabe strikes a double-biceps pose, offering Jonny a free shot. Jonny takes a couple of steps back so he can get a running start. He charges in and rams his famously thick forearm up to Gabe's balls, holding nothing back. "Steel, eh?" he smirks. Gabe is at loss for words and maybe oxygen. "Yep, that was actually good," he gasps, his throat dry as desert sand. Now it is Jonny's turn to offer Gabe a free shot. "I won't ask you to do anything I won't do myself," he says, raising his arms and clasping his fingers behind his head. Gabe sweeps in and BANG. Jonny staggers backwards, coughing like his balls are now stuck in his throat.

Jonny asks for a second try. Gabe is fine with that. Jonny slams Gabe's junk even harder. "Ha ha," Firestorm jubilates, "YEAH, muthafucka!" There is a brief pause as Steel recovers. It is his second turn, now. And POW! Jonny clasps his cock and balls and falls to his knees, his face contorted by lightning strikes hitting every nerve in his body. Jonny crawls to the ropes to steady himself as he painfully reassumes a standing position. Foolishly, Gabe offers Jonny a third try, unaware of the power of three. Still grimacing, Jonny balls up his fist and charges, but this time he strikes with his boot. Gabe falls like a Vegas hotel. No more Mr. Nice Guy, Jonny kicks the side of Gabe's head. Gabe falls flat on his face. Then Jonny delivers a trio of stomps to the back of Gabe's neck.

The room turns suddenly dank as a medieval torture chamber. It is almost funny that as big a Firestorm fan as Gabe is, or was, he still couldn't see this one coming. Right now, he has trouble seeing anything. Everything is a throbbing blur. Jonny grabs a wrist and ankle and pulls, digging his boot into Steel's spine. He shifts position, pulling apart Gabe's thighs and slapping the now throbbing bulge in his opponent's glimmering trunks. Then he applies the iron claw to Steel's thick pecs. At this point, Gabe's usually handsome face is all veins and sweat. Firestorm launches a series of torments, amazingly bending Gabe's massive, thick body into pipe-cleaner shapes. Gabe is totally, totally helpless in Jonny's clutches.

The collision of these two strongmen is an epic event. If Steel recovers - and he may or he may not - will he, in his condition, gain any momentum against the devious devices of BG East's superstar heel? Jonny hangs Gabe upside down on the corner ropes, extracts a steel-link chain from his backpack, and tightens it around his victim's balls. Soon Gabe's balls are pulled out and exposed as Jonny focuses his attack and Gabe screams at ever louder volumes!! Later, he wedges the middle rope between Gabe's cock and balls and grinds out more breathless screams from Steel, humliation and pain mixed in equal measure. The agony, terror, and debasement have no end. Jonny's back! And nobody's nuts are safe!


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Jonny Firestorm vs. Gabe Steel*
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Gabe writhes and groans and claws at the punishing boot as it grinds his manhood into smithereens

Bound and cornered, Gabe's bulge dangles as his opponent treats it like a speedbag

Jonny carries the brown muscled stud across his shoulders for a backbreaking torture rack

Jonny arches over his broken foe and takes yet another potshot at a bulge that seems to taunt him

Gabe's world is one of pain as Jonny's quads of death crush his skull without mercy

Stripped of everything (especially his pride) Gabe sobs and writhes, mourning his manhood

Gabe Steel: 5'9, 205 lbs

Gabe signs his own death warrant by brazenly (foolishly) offering Jonny a free shot to his balls

Jonny traps his bigger foe and yanks the middle rope up into his massive pink bulge

Jonny looms dominantly over a grovelling opponent and drags his trunks up in a wedgie

Trapped in the ropes, his bulge propped on the ropes, Jonny gathers Gabe's gonads for more pain

IT'S GOOD! Jonny shoots for the uprights with a big brutal boot blow from behind

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