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  Cole Cassidy vs. Kevin Lee  

Attacked in the locker room

Mouth-stretcher headlock counter

Kevin rocked and wrecked OTK

Kevin hammered and trapped

Cole's camel sleeper combo has Kevin gasping for air

Appetite for Destruction

Sneering and sadistic, derisive and dismissive, the wrestlers you love to hate and hate to love demanded a series of their very own to demonstrate and display their scene-hogging and rookie-wrecking ways. Good guy Kevin Lee came to BGE to experience his life-long love of pro wrestling from the other side. His two previous forays in the BG ring versus tough Tony Vencini on Florida Fights 1 and a demented Derek DaSilva on Jobberpaloozer 9 ended in double annihilations. But Kevin is back for more! Maybe heels emit a special pheramone the cute babyface finds hard to resist!

Kevin hits the ring ready to rumble as unusually quiet Cole glares through him. From his breakthrough beat down of a loin-clothed Tarzan Tyler Reese to his disturbingly creative crotch-crushing of Jobe Zander to his full-body bashing of a never-been-more-buff Chris Bruce that even he will readily admit was the biggest beating by far of his mostly on the bottom career, Cole Cassidy serves up punishment with a heavy hand. Kevin's not intimidated, even daring to punctuate an opening stare down with a bring-it-on chest bump. But would he have been so eager if he knew Cole routinely reviews the roster, saw Kevin's meet 'n beat debut at the hands of Tony Venici and his truly epic squash at the hands, feet, and crotch(!) of an incensed Derek DaSilva, and decided he was the latest piece of meat to feed his appetite for destruction? Forget collar 'n elbows and slow-building, opponent-testing opening action.

Cole goes for a quick, double-handed pec claw that has jobber-to-be Lee gasping and backtracking mere seconds after the opening bell. Arched over the ropes, Kevin's vulnerably exposed chest takes forearms and open-handed chops that echo through the air until Cole shoots him across the ring and then level the jobber with a crushing clothesline on the rebound. Running elbow and heavy knee drops press the advantage. A schoolboy pin that morphs into a head scissors as Cole grabs the back of Kevin's head and forces his baby face tight into his basket is bad enough, but it's the flexing follow-up that really illuminates the depths of Cole's darkly creative depravity. He releases the hold, hooks Kevin's wrists with his ankles and, before the rookie can catch his breath, he's on his back, his mouth completely smothered and crotch covered, Cole's ankles and his own wrists torquing his spine in a KL-inspired hammerlock schoolboy combo from hell!


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Cole Cassidy vs. Kevin Lee
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Headscissors and bear hug

Kevin dangling down in the 'tree of woe' as Cole drives an elbow into his bulge and balls

Cute Kevin Lee - 5'7, 160

Cole Cassidy dominated by Kevin Lee

Heavy seated full boston crab

Brutal suspended hangman

Cole Cassidy posing triumphantly over a crushed Kevin Lee

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