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  Aryx Quinn vs. Rory MacLeod

Aryx Quinn 5'8 162

Aryx brought to his knees

Aryx's sitting surfboard

Aryx gasping for breath and consciousness

Bow & arrow variation

Let the Debate Begin!

"For once, I'm speechless," Aryx admits. But it isn't MacLeod's pre-match prep or even his effortlessly executed near-split that has him stunned, it's his kilt. "Were you really wearing that, or did you lose a bet?" Ah, Aryx, ever the predictably entertaining wit. But what isn't predictable is Aryx's choice of gear: full-on pro style in yellow and black: a black leather jacket, armbands, boots, kick pads and custom-made "trunks" so skimpy and sheer they leave very little to the imagination, gifts evidently, along with the diamond stud in his ear, from a certain benefactor. "This is what happens when you're in with The Boss"

But how "in" is he? Aryx is the only vet on this tape booked against a bigger rookie. Can a guy who looks like Aryx ever really be 'in' with the man who inaugurated the legendary Hunkbash series by pummeling four hunks on one tape, who squashed muscular Wade Cutler, stripped him naked, forced him to jerk off, ko'ed him and used his helpless bod as a personal pleasure pillow? When MacLeod weathers Aryx's clotheslines and a springboard flying cross-body pin and then retaliates with a deathlock into a body-twisting STF that forces a quick submission, the adage "size matters" has never been more apt. Chalk one up for the 'rookie.

Needless to say, this surprising turn of events did not sit well with The Amazing Aryx. Through means fair and foul, he mounts a comeback which sees Rory wrapped in the ropes and set up for a series of Aryx's fabled finishers. And just when Aryx thinks he's on track for another bonus from The Boss....

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Rookies 2


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Aryx Quinn vs. Rory MacLeod
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Aryx has Rory wrapped and trapped on the ropes

Aryx's horrific hangman

Rory MacLeod 6', 188

Springboard flying body press

Aryx works a guilltoneRory has Aryx gasping for breath

The Aryx rack applied to perfection

Aryx tries to sleeper Rory out

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