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  Charlie Panther vs. D. Dan

Charlie Panther: 6'1, 175 lbs

The Panther gets his arms yanked up and immobilized in a chin-to-chest crunching full nelson

The Panther's roar is but a whimper and cry for mercy as Daddy crushes him in a bearhug

Charlie's longer leaner body stretches out over his bulkier opponent's shoulder in a hangman variation

Underdog or not, Charlie Panther finds himself fully under control in a spine-snapping camel clutch

Humiliation comes naturally to the Daddy Destroyer, tying his boots and trampling his foe simultaneously

"Now, I'm going to have some fun!" Demolition Derby

Charlie Panther has a reputation for biting off more than he can chew. He's long been a fierce wrestler, but humbled by the likes of Lon Dumont, Jaxx O'Doul, and Jonny Firestorm, he pulled back to regroup. But getting into even more phenomenal shape over the years, he's crafted his gorgeous muscles for the sole purpose of taking on big boys in the ring. Charlie's eyes are, notoriously, bigger than his wrestling skills. And, honestly, that's just the way Charlie likes it. He wants to be tested right to the edge. He craves that feeling of being the underdog, clawing his way back on top to declare victory by throwing everything he's got at an odds-on favorite.

D. Dan fits that bill nicely. "What's the 'D.' stand for," Charlie asks when they meet in the ring. "Daddy. Destroyer," Dan answers with a shrug, laughing at an inside joke. The bald, bearded hunk is solid as granite. His huge, hairy pecs paired with the dusting of gray in his beard make the labels "daddy" and "destroyer" look apt. He's got a sweet Swiss accent and a disarming smile that make you think he could turn out to be a teddy bear. And then he literally picks Charlie off his feet and catapults the stunned hunk into the corner like a human cannonball.

Charlie is digging his way out of a huge deficit almost from the start, but that's right where he wants to be. Big Dan slams and pummels him, delighting in letting gravity do most of the hard work as the muscle man splashes down again and again on top of Charlie's battered body. Just as he's getting buried under one avalanche of muscle after another, the veteran pulls a knee up and turns Dan's battering ram into a crotch crusher.

Charlie Panther in the driver's seat is Art. He twists and tears his meaty opponent apart, limb from limb. Charlie goes to town on the huge targets that are Dan's hairy pecs, chopping, stomping, and clawing the slabs of beef until the muscle man screams. Charlie has done nothing but add to his arsenal over the years, and he uses every bit of it to break down the big man. He's quicker and more limber than Dan, and he makes the muscle man pay hard.

Dan is no shrinking violet, though. An experienced underground wrestler, he's got a lot more than just big pecs to bring to the table. When he catches Charlie in a camel clutch, the sweaty muscle man bounces on Charlie's wedgied ass. Transitioning from chinlock to choke, Dan purrs ominously in the veteran's ear. "Say it, come on, say it!" When Charlie finally taps to save his spine, Dan ignores the submissions a couple of times, to let the cocky veteran know who's really in charge.

Both of these hot hunks are quickly soaked in gallons of sweat and buckets of cocky attitude. It's much more than just taps they're after. They want to dole out humiliation. They want sweat soaked gear stripped and shoved down their opponent's throat. They want absolute control over the snarling grappler who's been spitting out insults and promising defeat from the start. As usual, Charlie's clawing his way out from underneath, but they're both exhausted and bitter until one of them has his rival's wrists strapped to the ropes and defenseless. "Now, we're going to have some fun," the victor declares.

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Charlie Panther vs. D. Dan
37 minutes

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Charlie gets cornered and beaten down in the turnbuckles as the bigger man seeks to obliterate him

Charlie needs to make the decision to tap before the newbie collapses his skull in a headscissors

D. Dan hoists the broken carcass of the conquered Charlie across his broad shoulders in victory

Charlie may just have one last trick up his sleeve as he coils and wrecks and stretches Dan's bulk out

Charlie turns the game around on the blindsided newbie and rolls him around the ring in a headscissors

With his legs bent and locked, Dan yanks and cranks back in a double armbar and seeks a submission

D. Dan: 5'8, 200 lbs

The outcome of this battle is likely to be a foregone conclusion with the bigger man flexing on top

The Panther sinks his claws deep into the thick, hairy, beefy pecs of the big bad bruiser

The Daddy Destroyer is firing on all cylinders and turns his collared prey over in a boston crab

Dan intends to show the veteran just who the man is as he forces him to grope his solid peaks

The Panther kneels at the feet of the beefy hairy hunter and feels at his muscles in a plea for mercy

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