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  Jakob Rawley vs. Kirk Donahue

Jakob Rawley: 5'10, 200 lbs

Crushin' Cousins: Kirk rides his bigger, bearded cousin's broad back and strangles him over the ropes

Underhooking his arm and headscissoring his smaller cousing, Jakob looks to make a name for himself

Dropping his bigger cousin to the mat, Kirk tramples him and throws up a victorious double bicep flex

A big, beautiful arching suplex brings Kirk to the mat on his back in a ring-shaking family feud

A New Jobber Bitch in Town? Or just Family Fun

Kirk and Jacob spring from the same bloodline, so this match (Rawley's debut) carries a lot of weight for both men. Jakob wants a team partnership. Kirk isn't opposed but insists on a trial run first. He's got a reputation to preserve, after all. Arrogant and dubious of his bearded cousin, Kirk deadpans, "I don't want to take on somebody that's gonna, you know, bring me down." The two immediately lock up in the darkened ring space, and Jakob catches Kirk off-guard with his strength, muscling him powerfully into the corner. Kirk breaks away, saying he needs to loosen up first. Toughguy Jakob's eyes sparkle, sensing Kirk's reluctance to face him man on muscleman.

Jakob pauses, shoves Kirk back to the corner again and confidently kicks Kirk full in the ribs. "I'm done waiting for you," he snarls aggressively. Alarmed, Donahue snaps the overanxious muscleboy's head into a figure-4 headlock. Out of family respect, he releases when Jakob grabs the top rope, but since he gets none in return, he fires a warning shot, kicking Jakob's chest, then cranks his own powerful side headlock. Jakub breaks this and reverses into an intense reverse bearhug!

Kirk suddenly agrees: they should be tag-team partners, but we see his crossed fingers behind his back. Naive Jakob reaches out with a pleased handshake, but Kirk kicks him in the gut and bulldogs him to the mat! Clutching a handful of Jakob's copious beard, Kirk twists it tight around his knuckles dramatically reclaiming his alpha status. Kirk pulls Rawley back up by the beard and tosses him into the turnbuckle then slams him four times! Jakob, still stunned, desperately clasps at Kirk's neck and scrubs the top rope with it. A hard left hook to Kirk's jaw and a body slam prove that Jakob is beyond horsing around. Or giving up.

Jakob survives with stamina and ring savvy. He drives Kirk face down on the ring floor. Kirk taps out, and Jakob proudly flexes his big biceps, and tries to continue! Chest slaps, chokes and low blows keep Kirk at bay. Exhausted and in pain, Kirk dangles off the ring ropes like a fly caught in a spiderweb! But don't count Kirk out by a long shot. A fireman's carry, slams and merciless stomps lead to a big punch to Jakob's face. Seven minutes of one-sided hunkbash whoop ass follows. Ultimately, the family feud ends with a high dive off the top ropes after blows, grunts, sting, and a very impressive doomed muscleboy debut.

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Jakob Rawley vs. Kirk Donahue
26 minutes

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Jakob looks to make the prettyboy pay as he carts him around the ring in a fireman's carry

Kirk stretches his foe's muscled, tatted bod out hard, bending him back in a brutal camel clutch

Converging on him in the corner, Jakob seizes and throttles Kirk by the throat in the turnbuckles

One again, Kirk forces his opponent to his knees before him with a mighty tug on his beard

Kirk seeks to end this bloodline battle definitively with the leg hooked for the 1... 2...

Kirk looks to see how far his thickly muscled cous' can bend until he breaks in a abstretch variation

Kirk Donahue: 5'10, 170 lbs

Not the beard! With a handful of his facial hair, Kirk works to snap his opponent's neck in the ring

Kirk brings Jakob to his knees and wrenches his arms up his back in a double armbar

Jakob wants to prove to his cousin he's worthy opponent and deserving tag partner with a leg lock

Jakob tries to beg Kirk off as he wraps and warps his leg for a punishing submission hold

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