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  Jonny Firestorm vs. CJ Parker  

Big quads: CJ's got a mean scissors

CJ racked and bent to perfection

CJ tries a camel clutch sleeper

The Fearsome Firestorm!

I think I'm done with you

"Not Today, Rookie Boy!"

But Jonny has more than paid his dues, and he's not about to let some pretty-faced young up-and-comer make a name for himself at the expense of the fearsome Firestorm! As he flexes and poses for the youngster, he's likely remembering all the times he's cleaned the ring and scrubbed the mats; the way the other guys treated him like a janitor, all the little petty humiliations he endured before HE was let into the club, and those he endures yet from an equally put-upon and vengeful Brad Rochelle. 'I earned my way here,' he thinks, anger starting to rise within him (along with adrenaline and testosterone), and this little pretty faced punk thinks he can just waltz in without paying any dues? Time to pay up, punk!

Jonny has always been tough:even in a losing effort, he never stops fighting! And he's been known to turn into a true disciple of The Boss when he wrestles, employing many 'leopardlocks' in his growing arsenal. But never before has anyone seen the side of Jonny he now displays in the Gazebo! Pity poor CJ, who never saw it coming and, save for a few brave and even plucky comebacks, never had a chance. Within seconds, Jonny has seized control of the match, yanked up CJ's trunks into an atomic wedgie, and starts smacking the hapless kid's bare ass pink! As each cheek turns a deeper shade of red and CJ screams out his submission, it's soon apparent that Jonny has smelled blood in the water, and the sadistic young punk not only wants to find out what the kid's made of, but also what he himself is capable of!


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Grapplers 7


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Jonny Firestorm vs. CJ Parker
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Huh? I can't quite hear you!

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