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  Nik Knox vs. Donnie Drake  

Dynamic Donnie Drake

Nerve claw: Donnie on the ropes

Nick nuts Donnie into the corner post

Nik goes down and dirty

Donnie goes down to his knees

So, Donnie agreed to the match, and the Boss even stopped by his workouts with some ring tips and a few words of encouragement. Pity poor Donnie, no one ever told him that the Number One Rule around the locker room is Never Trust the Boss. Confident and his spirits high, Donnie entered the ring and looked at his shorter opponent, posing in the mirror and showing off his thick muscles. Donnie warms up and eyes Nik in his peripheral vision. "He doesn't look so tough and he's not even as big as me!," he comtemplates while he stretches. But the again, Rico Rave was smaller and seemingly unimposing as well...

Nik Knox, isn't the kind of wrestler to take kindly to anything said to him in the ring by any opponent. He doesn't want to hear anything from his foe, let alone from some naive kid who obviously has no idea what a mistake he's just made! Nik's eyes focus on Donnie, scan him up and down and send a message to his brain: DESTROY! And despite Donnie's skill, Nik's power and willingness to bend the rules a little takes a toll on his body, until arrogance on Nik's part results in the kid taking the first fall!

And our delightful Donnie D, dancing deliriously in delight, exultantly ecstatic in victory, joyously jubilant in triumph, and then WHAM! (A twirl or two of the moustache...) And a BIG low blow, the great equalizer, the villain's best friend and the hero's worst nightmare! Dear Donnie goes down. And now its game on, because Nik now needs two consecutive falls to emerge the winner, and he's clearly not planning on losing!


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Nik Knox vs. Donnie Drake
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The nefarious Nik Knox

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