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  Donnie Drake vs. Mac Matthias  

Nasty single leg boston variation

Donnie's hook of the leg cover

Donnie trapped: hanging crucifix

Donnie spanks Mac over the ropes

Who's got the best butt? Donnie Drake gets his prized derriere spanked by Mac Matthias

Remote Control Mayhem

As any heel, knows, it's one thing to exploit the environment to gain an illicit edge. But when Mac grabs the TV remote and drives it into Donnie's throat, he goes from bending to outright breaking the rules. 'This channel sucks!' The two trade near falls, the ropes saving Donnie, Mac making his own rules with a thumb to the eyes and a facebuster that sets up a sweet superkick. A boot on chest pin is doubly dominating and dismissive, especially for a first fall. But if Mac thinks he's done enough damage to indulge in some slow, one-sided revenge to send a message to both the booker and the fans that he's the one who deserves a Spotlight, Donnie demands he think again. Mac takes too long climbing the turnbuckles to deliver an axehandle and meets Donnie's fist mid-flight with flip-on-impact force! Each digs deep, pulling a dizzying array of moves, holds and counters from his bag of tricks: cloverleafs, crossfaces and hanging crucifixes (a Gory-style variant, for Lucha Libre lovers); suplexes, bodyslams and torso-twisting single leg nelsons. Mac makes lewd use of an aspirin bottle over his crotch ('Suck it!'); Donnie hits a huge overhead gutbuster and punctuates a standing ab stretch with a frantic retaliatory spanking that exceeds the one Mac gave him earlier! Tempers flare, sweat flies, a high-impact finisher sets up a virtual KO, the loser's worn-out carcass thrown over the ropes while the winner's raves ring in his ears: 'I own this ring!'


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Spotlight: Donnie Drake


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Donnie Drake vs. Mac Matthias
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Battle of the butts!

A big knee off the ropes

Now it's YOUR turn to SUCK IT!

Donnie digs down deep...

Crotch-ripping abdominal stretch

Mac lays Donnie low - down low!

Donnie Drake poses before the mirror. tensing and flexing his vaunted bubble butt

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