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  Apollo vs. Jonny Firestorm

Apollo: 6', 230 lb

Apollo is much bigger (and stronger!) than Jonny and easily forces him to the ground with a test of strength

His size advantaged neutralized by being bound in the ropes, Apollo arches in an inverted headlock

Pro-tip: Never bring toys to a match with Jonny...he may very well use them to destroy you

Jonny won't rest until the big boy toy gift from the boss is (double!) stomped into a stain on the mat

Apollo wails with his limbs all masterfully trapped as Firestorm sets up a ceiling hold for the win!

Top of the Food Chain

Literally named after a Greek god, Apollo's a hugely muscled and disarmingly handsome rising star. His indy wrestling successes make him confident, just over the edge of being cocky. He has developed an impressive arsenal of holds and high impact moves to pair perfectly with his powerhouse physique. At BG East, despite a painful initiation, he still sees himself a big fish in a little pond and licked his chops for little opponents.

Jonny Firestorm finds Apollo admiring his size advantage in the mirror. "Boss sent me another big boy," Jonny snarls, his contempt dripping. As reigning Top Heel and a seasoned master of mind games, he's literally lost count of how many hot upstarts he's pummeled the ambition out of. Jonny loves that look they get when all of their illusions of BGE glory come crashing down around them, usually right around the time that he's breaking their spines, racked across his shoulders.

"I said, the Boss sent me another big boy!" Jonny has to repeat himself as Apollo still gives him nothing. Admiring his own menacing muscles is a much higher priority than taunts. The Boss' pet badass turns from psychwar to pure physical attack - which gets Jonny tossed across the ring like a sack of potatoes! A test of strength is Apollo's next idea; he easily outmuscles a worried Jonny - that is, until Firestorm puts the brakes on the newbie's momentum with a brutal knee to the balls. "You're stronger. I get it," Jonny scowls, slamming the newcomer's handsome face into the ring. "But you're not too bright!"

These two cocky, abundantly skilled indy pros pull out all the stops to decide whether it's the old guard, or the new, who's doing the demolishing here! Jonny likes dragging the new kid around by the hair, setting Apollo up for classic muscle torture - an abdominal stretch, deep-sunk pec claws... Apollo is still a lot of man for Jonny to subdue, but an acrobatic octopus hold finally wrings the young stud's resentful submission out! "I'm going to teach you a tough lesson," tenacious Apollo snarls as he twists Jonny into an intense sharpshooter, "but it's important that you learn it." When Jonny frantically taps out, the handsome hunk ignores the panic. "Have you learned your lesson yet? Keep tapping!" Wow!

The back and forth battle is brutal, with the advantage teetering on the edge of a knife. Apollo delivers one surgical strike after another to Jonny's back, determined to cripple the veteran for good. Jonny's not going to be satisfied with just humbling this beefy upstart. He's out to humiliate and destroy him. One of them gets his wish, and walks out of the ring at the top of this prestigious food chain. For now.

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Apollo vs. Jonny Firestorm
34 minutes

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A wicked limb-twisting octopus hold has the big beefy bruiser bent every which way

Apollo's body is bent to near breaking as Jonny hoists him into a backbreaking mexican ceiling hold

Arms barred, legs bent, back arched, Apollo might want to rethink his strategy next time

Apollo is nothing but a big wrestling dummy for Master Jonny, stretched out in a torture rack

What's this? After all this is Jonny going to get put the fuck to sleep in the big arms of jobber Apollo?!

Apollo flags and writhes, sucking in lungfuls of pit sweat and fading in a constricting inverted headlock

Jonny Firestorm: 5'5", 170 lb

Jonny looks impressed (or maybe worried?) watching Apollo's muscles swell with his exercises

Jonny stretches out the young, big, indy pro upstart and sets about tearing his powerful abs to shreds

Lil Jonny may have bitten off more than he can chew as he's hoisted off his feet in a suspended choke

For all of Apollo's size and skill, he's ridiculously helpless against Jonny's brutal onslaught

Jonny guarantees Apollo will know just who the fuck whupped his ass today in a wicked abstretch

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