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  Aryx Quinn vs. Denny Cartier  

Denny leans back into his side headlock

Denny strangled with his own arm

Airborne Aryx tramples Denny

Denny scissored in a tree of woe

Give! Brutal bulging back-breaker

"Lights Out Time, Bitch!"

Aryx was tutored by the best, and when raw talent and skill are inadequate, a kick to Denny's crotch puts him back in charge. "This is genetic perfection right here," he boasts, flexing his big, beautiful bicep in Denny's face. "That's why I always end up on top!"

But it's the rare wrestler who can keep Denny Cartier down in the mat room. With the added motivation of getting even for the low blow, Denny absolutely picks Aryx apart. The louder Aryx cries out, the cockier Denny grows. "Yeah! Feels gooood!" he groans, flexing with his crotch in his opponent's face. With The Boss' former protégé at his mercy and with nobody left to watch Aryx' back, Denny dips deeper into the darkside than we've ever seen him go before! Aryx can't choke out enough submissions to satiate Denny's growing lust to dominate. "Say it again! SAY IT AGAIN!!!"

But when Aryx goads Denny, drunk on victory, out of his natural habitat on the mat and up to the ring, the momentum in this match-up takes a dramatic turn. Aryx has seen The Boss' crib sheet on all the BG East wrestlers, and if Denny's got a weakness, it's his failure to translate his outstanding mat skills to the ring. Within seconds, Aryx suckers him into position for a crippling attack from behind. Give him an inch, and Aryx will take nothing short of a mile, and with Denny dazed and his arms tied behind his back with his own singlet straps, Aryx' brutality is over the top.

There are few wrestlers more dangerous in the ring than Aryx once he's found a weakness. Stripping down to his signature yellow trunks, the notorious BG East badboy aims to not only make Denny pay for his humiliation on the mat; he intends to make him paralyzed by fear whenever he even thinks about entering the ring again.

"You're pretty resilient," Aryx pauses from delivering destruction to compliment Denny on his ability to take a beating. "You're a tough little kid. But you're still a kid. And you're my kid in this ring right now!" Denny is stomped and slammed, choked in the ropes, rocked long and relentlessly in an over the knee backbreaker. Aryx trots out every crippling hold The Boss ever taught him, breaking Denny down piece by piece. Shoving Denny's face into the mirror, Aryx shouts, "What were you thinking? What were you thinking!?" There's no denying Kid Leopard sent a message when he personally got involved in battering and humiliating Aryx in Leopard's Lair 3. But Aryx is determined to send a message of his own, written on the battered, wasted, defenseless body of Denny Cartier pounded into a pulp. "Lights out time, bitch!"


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Lair 4: Denny's Double Duty


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Aryx Quinn vs. Denny Cartier
42 minutes
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Leopard's Lair 4: Denny's Double Duty Arena Galleries

FREE Action Clip on Arena

Sexy schoolboy: Aryx dominates

Aryx taunts and torments a bulging Denny with this breath-constricting side head scissors

Denny folds and presses Aryx

Head crunching figure 4 scissors

Gut-bashing cornered Cartier

Unique application of a figure 4

Denny trapped in the Aryx Rack

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