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  Tyrell Tomsen vs. Dev Michaels  

Tyrell spreads Dev wide open

Pec claw & knee grind to the groin

Dev stomps and tramples Tyrell

Mighty men mauling on the mat

Dev comes seeking revenge for his boy Z-Man but finds himself cornered and bashed by Tyrell

"Hey, You Want a Real Man in the Ring?"

Dev hovers over Tyrell, waiting as the muscle stud feebly clambers up into the ring. Tomsen moves too slowly to suit Dev, so he kicks him through the ropes! Tomsen coughs, clutching his sore balls protectively. Dev stands like a superhero on the ring apron and calls out to him, "Hey, you want a real man in the ring?" Effortlessly he leaps over the top rope and lands solidly on the canvas. The whole ring shudders on impact. He steps on Tyrell's abs, the way Tyrell trampled Z-Man's. He reminds Tyrell that Z-Man had wrestled with a sore knee. "Remember it," he huffs, as he drops his elbow on Tomsen's right leg. He stretches his legs wide apart, squeaking a submission out of the once haughty warrior. He throws his arms wide in front of Tyrell, inviting him to take a free shot at his midsection, hard and daunting as a gravestone. Tomsen, resourceful heel that he is, takes the opportunity to smash the big lug's nuts! This one ain't over yet! Not by a long shot.

Tyrell seizes this moment of weakness to do some real grappling with his challenger. He drags Dev down to the mat and the two hunks wrestle furiously, hard steely body pressed hard against hard steely body. Tyrell tries to cut corners and claim an easy and provocative schoolboy pin, but Dev thrusts free and gains a painful ankle lock, submitting Tomsen. Dev wants more and goes for the legs again, stretching, twisting, and tearing at the thick muscle like diners ripping into a lobster claw at a seafood restaurant.

Perspiration rolls off Dev's burly shoulders and splats on Tyrell's skin. Not that either one of them notices as Dev stomps Tomsen's back as Tyrell crawls, near exhaustion, to one corner. Things are not going well for Tyrell. Trouncing Z-Man had been fun, sexy fun, and filled Tyrell with a sense of indestructibility. Now facing big Dev, one on one, with the heart of an avenger and the build of a rhino, he feels Z-Man's pain and his helplessness. Karma is a bitch. A great, big, sweaty, beautiful bitch. But Tyrell does not believe in "poetic justice." He believes in winning at all costs. He believes in the low blow and the cheap shot. He does not care one tiny bit whether fans are clamoring for his hide for what he did to Z-Man. He's a fighting animal, and he does what a fighting animal does: he strikes back. No spoilers here, but let's just say that this match offers plenty enough suffering to serve up hearty portions for both big men. And you don't want to miss the finisher - a hugely satisfying show of power and strategy - that once again leaves one man a shattered heap, and the other stalking, indisputably victorious, back to the showers.


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Revenge 1


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Tyrell Tomsen vs. Dev Michaels
27 minutes

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Dev clamps a sleeper on Tyrell

Dev weakens the big black muscle stud by repeatedly lifting and squeezing him in a reverse bearhug

Dev straddles and rides Tyrell

Tyrell flattened in a schoolboy

Shoulder drive to the midsection

Tyrell diverts a gutpunch to the groin

A boot on humpy flattened Dev - a clash of the titans, both hunks take a licking and keep on ticking

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