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  Donnie Drake vs. Paul Hudson  

Setting Donnie up for a pin

Knee drives to the midsection

Tight side headscissors on Donnie

Reverse bearhug takedown

Donnie utilizes an abdominal claw to continue his gut bashing punishment on Paul Hudson

Silent Knight

One thing you cannot say about Paul is he's a chatterbox. Quiet, methodical, intense, and ruthless he is, but there are long stretches you would not know he even has the power of speech. He is the bullet you don't hear coming ... the one with your name written on it. While other pro wrestlers treat the ring like it's Dorothy Parker's Round Table at the Algonquin, Hudson treats it like it's the Holy of Holies, a surgical theater in which he concentrates all his powers on the task at hand: the dismantling of a man, in this case-so intensely that we rarely hear him even groan. Every ounce of his energy is directed to beating his man, finishing him off and collecting the paycheck on his way out the door.

In time, though, Donnie has his fill of pain and humiliation. Maybe he underestimated the pale young scrapper at first, but it's never too late to learn from mistakes. And when he gets the chance - after his second humiliating submission in a row-Donnie fires back ... to hell with wrestling holds; it's time for fists and the heels of boots. Enough of the silent treatment, too - it's time to make the little guy holler!

Donnie learned a long time ago that there are occasions when a wrestler has to throw out the rulebook and get down to the nasty business of rasslin. Unlike wrestling, rasslin means using the ropes, pulling some hair, clawing some abs, and breaking some ribs across the knee. And sometimes the action has to be carried outside the ring. Even if you have the size and weight advantage Drake has over Hudson, sometimes you also need a jolt of kick-ass running through your veins. He shows the kid what an extra fifty pounds can do to a guy's back and to his midsection. Fifty pounds can take a lot of punches and still pick you up off the mat and hurl you into the ring post, too.

What starts out as a pretty cut and dry David-and-Goliath angle turns into something else in the final half of the match. Sometimes a pro match refuses to follow a predictable course-this is one of them. With two seasoned catch-as-catch-can artists like Drake and Hudson in the ring, standing nose to nose, fists clenched, with eyes blazing, the only thing you can bet money on is that somebody's going to go down in flames in the end and somebody's going to buy everybody in the house a frothy round of boners.


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Donnie Drake vs. Paul Hudson
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Paul's almost out after having the air squeezed out of him

Paul overhooks Donnie's boot and works his scissors against him!

Fighting his way out of Paul's grip

Paul scissored & hammered

Paul's overlapping toehold/chinlock

Paul's abs can't take much more

Mormon sickle bow & arrow: Paul's suspended & gut hammered over Donnie's knees

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