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  Eddy Rey vs. Lon Dumont

Stunning new star Lon Dumont

Lon stopped dead in his tracks

Boot stomp into the Indian deathlock

Eddy flexes for Lon's figure 4

Show off those abs! A leg spread has Eddy right where Lon wants him - at his command and call!

Forced to Flex!

Lon digs in deeper, working the leg harder while Eddy flexes in desperate thrall. Lon can't get enough, looming over the hobbled hunk and demanding that he display himself on his knees, head bowed. Humilation can be an asset: with adrenaline fueled rage, Eddy strikes. Low blow! And pain fades as the urge for payback surges. A standing full nelson is exceptionally devastating given the added leverage of height, all of Eddy's weight pushing down on Lon's neck and shoulders, causing him to coil and collapse. Eddy rears back, lifting Lon off the mat, his lats flairing as his chest separates. And when Eddy pours it on, swinging the muscular rookie round and round, a submission is inevitable. But in this mano-a-mano muscle battle, submitting isn't enough. Shuffling the shell-shocked stud over to the mirror, it's Eddy's turn for a visual reward. Submitting to the full nelson, Lon gives it up, flexes his biceps, legs and abs on command before Eddy finally releases the hold.

Draped over the ropes, Lon winces as Eddy slides in from behind. A mule kick to the groin staggers Eddy, cuts off any advantage, and Lon regains control. A furious flurry of bodyblows backs big Eddy into the corner, where Lon neutralizes his height advantage, climbing the ropes and locking his tightly muscled legs around Eddy's ribcage from above with breath-taking force. An inverted single-leg Boston torques the knee, compounding earlier pain, and Eddy slaps the mat. "Flex for me!" Lon screams. Eddy obeys. It's a wild role-reversal: the buff bodybuilder displaying his hard-earned muscles not as a display of power, but as an act of helpless contrition. Drunk with power, Lon goes wild, plumbing his brain for every hold he can devise to savor the sight of the big man flexing his physique in every position. Facedown in the ring with his legs interlaced and anklelocked, in a crotchsplit, on his back with his legs in the air and a big boot grinding into his vulnerable basket. The intensity of Eddy's submission is stunning: veins popping on his big biceps, his lower back dimpling, sweat dripping until the mat and his muscles glisten. Lon may have single-handily invented a new wrestling concept, forced flexing as the ultimate submission! And when Lon runs out of torture holds, he goes old school, draping Eddy's big, battered bod over the ropes and simply hammering him with relentless elbows until the punch drunk hunk automatically flexes without command. The knock out climax is the ultimate in domination and knock-outs combined. Forced to Flex indeed! A stunning debut!

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Eddy Rey vs. Lon Dumont
28 minutes

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A front sleeper has Eddy Rey on the ropes and on his way OUT!

Eddy's flying full nelson

Eddy flexes without being forced

Lon sets up the figure 4

Flex or kiss your balls goodbye

Lon's knee-breaker leg lock

Eddy Rey on his back holding his hurting leg, suffering from Lon's repeated leg attacks

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