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  Kid Karisma vs. Jonny Firestorm  

Jonny's creative 4-point bow & arrow

Kid K tries to escape Jonny's scissors

Kid K pinned and crotch-pressed

Kid Karisma's face proves Jonny's a consummate submission master

That's one way to escape a front body scissors! Jonny grabs the Kid's groin and makes him scream!

Mind versus Muscle, or, Size Matters!

Dazed but not disoriented, the Kid reverses a whip into the ropes, and it's Jonny who ends up on the recieving end of a leapfrog and stunning high-flying dropkick. A bodyslam and a cartwheel elbow drop display a lot of flash and dash, but a second whip inot the ropes for a follow-up dropkick backfires big time as Jonny holds onto the ropes and the ripped rugby ruffian crashes and burns. Jonny's not the biggest wrestler on the roster, but he's one of the slickest. He's figured out the fastest way to wound and render ripe-for-the-picking a more muscular stud is to control his breathing. "Those big muscles need a lot of oxygen." He dips into his breath-taking bag of tricks, dropping elbows and boots into the Kid's washboard, draping him over the middle rope throat-first and bouncing up and down, forcing him through the turnbuckles with a boot on the windpipe that has his buffer foe flailing and gasping. For Jonny, size isn't an issue, it's an inspiration, a provocation that makes him pepper his punches until the resounding "thwack!" rips through the air and allows him to use his compactness to twist the palpably shocked Karisma into impossibly tight, muscle-busting positions. When Jonny presses the advantage with some of the hardest shoulder blocks to the gut ever caught on tape and the Kid suddenly slumps to his knees, there's no doubt the bodybuilder is feeling the burn.

The Kid's down but far from out! A show-boating, too slowly executed suplex results in a roll-up for a near fall. A float-over into a rear mount shows Karisma's got freestyle skills, but that's Jonny's bread and butter. He simply rolls out before returning to ab bashing the stunned hunk. Tit twisters are neither pro nor amateur wrestling, but a page from the playbook of a bully in training, as are two-handed chokes and blatant wedgies. Up a submission courtesy of a tightly applied bck-cracking single leg bostonb, Jonny gets cocky, berating and slapping the bigger boy. When he milks his position a moment too long, the Kid retaliates, scooping him up and crotching him on the ropes. Role reversal! Slams and camel clutches, and suddenly the match is even. But a match is never over when it's over, when Jonny's in the ring. A stunning amount of back 'n forth, this is the hardest-fought match of either wrestler's career. The Kid relishes a moment of domination, flexing while bucking his hips in Jonny's face, until Jonny illustrates the dirtiest and most effective way to counter a schoolboy: headbutt! It's a knockout for one wrestler, and, according to several early purchasers through The Arena, a knockout for the fans too.


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Bad Boys 1


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Kid Karisma vs. Jonny Firestorm
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Single leg boston: Backs and legs were not meant to bend that far! Can Jonny make the Kid cry?

Kid K wedged; Jonny jacketed

Kid K carries Jonny in his arms

Kid K gets cocky on Jonny Boy

Jonny forced to admire a big bicep

Karisma lands a perfect dropkick

Kid Karisma hoists Jonny up across his shoulders in a fireman's carry to prep his airplane spin

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