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  Kabir Sultan vs. Gabriel Ross*  

Kabir chinlocks Gabriel over the bed

A post-pin victory lip-lock

Kabir tries to escape those legs

Worship at the temple of Sultan

Gabriel boned by Kabir's pain

Boys Will Be Boys

Once the door shuts behind them, they abandon themselves to their pent-up passions, slamming and lip-locking each other against the wall. As the heat and aggression rises, the realization that they?ve connected on such a deep level?and are about to share their deepest desire together overwhelms. They take a needed break from the tipping point. Playfully they begin to pillow fight, making use of the entire room as they tease and taunt each other. They strip down from their jeans and shirts to their wrestling kits, and the action is on! At first, Gabriel seems the more experienced, taking control of Kabir?with Kabir always resisting?and when a hold goes on for a while, they cannot help but start stroking each other and kissing?always a great distraction! Soon Kabir learns that the best way to distract Gabriel, to control him, is to arouse him. And the more aroused Gabriel becomes, the more eye-popping his huge bulge becomes and the less he worries about defeating Kabir than he does about arousing him?

The sensuous mix of wrestling and eroticism continues until both are slowly stripped out of everything, lying naked together on the bed as they continue to drive each other mad with desire. A licked nipple here, a stroke of the ass there, and their erections are grow stronger and harder and more determined by the minute. Their lips come together, their mouths explore every muscled inch of the other?s bodies, and soon all thoughts of wrestling are pushed aside by other, more urgent desires? Incredibly sensual and sexy!


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Kabir Sultan vs. Gabriel Ross* · 49 minutes · $29.95

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Kabir Sultan vs. Gabriel Ross*
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Bulge to bulge, lips to lips

Come on, mate! SAY IT!

Gabriel pinned, Kabir scissored

A huge hard-on schoolboy pin

Kabir punishes with a reverse bear hug

Aggression & passion: a hot mix

Gabriel dominant and HARD

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