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  Kelly King vs. Lane Hartley  

Kelly King: 5'10, 210 lbs

Lane's handsome face is crushed and twisted as King works a kneeling armbar

Kelly measures Lane out, readying him for a skull rattling headshot by his hair

Lane is strangled by the rampaging monarch as he's bent brutally, strangled over the ropes

Lane taps out fast and furiously as Kelly leans back further in the crippling crossface

Hartley latches tightly onto Kelly and works at bringing him down to the mats with a sleeper

Sirloin vs Pierogi; Foie Gras vs Spam; Mimolette vs Velveeta

"Like a big ol' sirloin steak, baby. Look at that!" Kelly King is Texas big and Texas sassy, two reasons fans love the guy. He flexes his muscles and dares Lane Hartley to match him beefcake for beefcake. He dubs the good-looking veteran "pierogi," though perhaps "vareniki" would be a more appropriate word for dissing Lane's Russian heritage. Sagely, Hartley wags his head. "I like you new guys, man," he says. "You have all the attitude in the world." It's odd seeing Lane play the steady-handed babyface. His fans know him best for his crooked smile and sadistic holds. At this moment, he doesn't know what to make of the beehive of energy that's Kelly King.

Lane proclaims the rules of the contest. The winner must win by three falls: a pin fall, a submission, and a knockout. You may remember Kirk Donahue and Dimitri fought a similar match here at BG East a year ago, part of Donahue's "Wrestler Spotlight." Kelly hardly even listens. The guy is antsy to get this match rolling. With no ref, Kelly and Lane can play fast and loose with what a three-count pin is. More solid are the other two falls. A submission is unarguable. Both winner and loser accept the plain fact of it. As for a knockout, maybe only the winner knows what happened.

King immediately delivers his version of Southwest-style rasslin'. He comes on strong and rowdy, holding nothing back. It's a mix of mat wrestling and clobbering and stomping that defies all rules of etiquette and fair play. Kelly throws some wild punches to his opponent's face, which deliver a hard smack while not exactly demonstrating sportsmanlike grace or style. "Be the bigger man and just walk away," Kelly taunts Lane in a match that increasingly looks like a squash job in its early minutes. As it turns out, though, Lane is pretty good at this style, too, especially when cornered by the relentless cowpoke.

Punches to the face are fast and sharp, spellbindingly real. It doesn't take long before both bodies take on the sheen of fresh sweat. This is about as thuggish a match as we've seen in the BGE ring. Kelly discovers that Lane's knee is particularly vulnerable, so he targets it mercilessly. He kicks and cracks it against the hard edge of the ring, grinning viciously the whole time. We are ten minutes from the end of the 27-minute match before there's a win by submission, a hellish figure 4 leglock. Then, about three minutes later, there's a second submission, or rather there's a choke-out that turns desperately into a submission, leaving the wrestlers tied one to one. Do you lose one now or save it for the tie-breaker?

The closer we get to the end, the faster and more savage the action in the ring becomes. Reversals proceed at a startling pace, and these two hardheaded bruisers hold nothing back as they stomp and pummel each other into the canvas. A 10-count knockout ends the raw violence with a sudden jolt. Here's a topnotch stunner that sticks with you long after the match is over, with two of the most stunning men in underground wrestling today.


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Kelly King vs. Lane Hartley
27 minutes

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Hartley roars victoriously as he manages to brutally bash the king into the turnbuckles

Hartley arches and tries to roll away as King breaks a big knee down on his exposed elbow

King bears down mercilessly using the ring ropes to choke Hartley the fuck out

Lane snaps back violently as he takes a big boot from Kelly right in the chops

Lane writhes and wriggles desperately as King works to hyperextend his elbow

King is cornered and clobbered, snapped backwards over the ropes with a big right from Lane

Lane Hartley: 6', 215 lbs

Trapping King in a crucifix hold, Lane digs and twists a brutal elbow into Kelly's ribs

Lane pounds in futility at the mats as he suffers in the torturous figure-four leglock

A sweat-soaked King stands reigning, arms wide, daring Lane to get back to his feet

King forces a kneeling Hartley to gaze helplessly up at his conqueror with a hairpull

King sags helplessly against Hartley, his arms and back stretched wide and exposed

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