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  Dick Rick vs. Exavier  

Dick Rick: 6'1, 220 lbs

Dick punishes and pulls with a big knee to Exavier's back in a vicious armpulling surfboard

Exavier isn't going to stop until Dick is destroyed as he drags his broken body up by his arm

Dick makes use of Exavier's broken body as a doormat with which to clean the ring dust from his boot

Exavier looms and drags a wasted, blindsided Dick Rick up off the mat with a handful of hair

Exavier finds another way to level the field against his bigger opponent with a wrist-wrap choke

"This is all mine!"

Longtime BG East alums Dick Rick and Exavier are two prime physical specimens, and they both know it. Their muscle and skill take tireless dedication to perfect and maintain, and they wouldn't have it any other way, but now these two sculpted heavyweights are set on a collision course. Someone with a taste for tenderized beef has sent both men to the ring for their daily training regimen, only for each to find their opponent's ego hardly leaves enough room in the ring for the other.

The conflict is instantaneous, as each muscled alpha male refuses to be outdone. Rick flexes one bulging, rippling muscle after another for Exavier's viewing pleasure, daring the smaller man to back down. Despite giving up 40 pounds to his opponent, Exavier doesn't give an inch, matching Dick flex for muscle-peaking flex. So, what happens when two massively muscled men with even more massive egos collide? Well, apart from a slew of very satisfied fans, you get a non-stop, no-holds-barred, all out brawl in which neither man's pride is willing to give up the fight.

It doesn't take long for Exavier to tire of Dick's showboating, and he delivers a powerful sucker punch to Rick's namesake. As the towering specimen drops to his knees, both hands cupping his wounded pride, Exavier tosses him face first into the corner turnbuckle, sending a running soccer kick into Dick's already aching balls for good measure. Dropped to the mat, writhing in agony, and choked out by a gloating Exavier, Rick's pride buries his pain and he powers out of his opponent's grip, wrenching Exavier's arm up behind him in a hammerlock.

Exavier indulges the brute's show of strength just long enough to catch Rick off-guard when he slips free and sends the big man crashing into the corner again, following up with a clothesline to drop him to his knees before he's choked on the ropes and hauled back into a camel clutch, further draining the giant's considerable stamina. Dick is forced to dig deep, bulging muscles dripping sweat as he breaks free and matches Exavier hold for hold, the lighter wrestler showing his skill as he outmaneuvers the big man for several minutes.

But in the end, the muscle wins out, and Exavier finds his face buried in the mat with his arms wrenched back and up over his head. He can't hold back the screams as his shoulders threaten to dislocate, Dick Rick's massive arms doing their best to force either a submission or a serious injury, and finally Exavier gives up the first submission of the match.

While the first to submit favors his aching joints, Rick's broad chest heaves with the exertion, keeping his opponent down taking more out of him than he expected. But he's not about to grant Exavier even the slightest reprieve, and manhandles the downed fighter to his feet, sending Ex first into a corner, and then slamming down to the mat. Elbows fly, boots stomp and choke, and one bone-crunching kick knocks Exavier clear out of the ring, tumbling to the floor in a daze. The fists and feet keep flying at him and the battered and bruised punching bag even tries to crawl towards the exit, but Rick has hit his stride, and isn't finished putting the soon-to-be loser in his place, tossing Ex back into the ring for more abuse.

The effort of breaking down such a tough opponent leaves Rick winded though, and his delay in climbing back in to face Exavier down gives the beaten man just enough room to breathe, and he sends another boot straight into Dick's battered balls. As the bruiser drops again, Exavier reminds his opponent of his skill and smarts, taking Rick by the ankle and delivering some gut-wrenching abuse to his leg. Rick's knee and ankle are torqued to their limit, his quad and hamstring stomped and kicked til he can't stop cradling the injured appendage. Biting back screams and curses, Rick tries to stand, wobbling and unsteady, almost delirious with the pain, only for a sweeping kick to send him crashing screaming back to the mat. Unable to escape, Rick is rolled into a torturous bow and arrow, his massive frame only helping to bend him back over Exavier's knees. Exhausted and all but helpless, Rick croaks out a single submission.

The match may be tied for the moment, but it seems to have taken toll on the bigger Dick as he's unable to stop Ex from locking on an excruciating full nelson/camel clutch combo, and moans out another submission. But before the increasingly cocky Exavier gets around to finishing Dick off, he catches his opponent's big boot to the chest and is rolled up for a surprise 3 count. Tied at 2 falls each, both men fight harder than ever. A soccer kick to the downed Dick's abs leaves him gasping and disoriented long enough for Exavier to lift the 220 pound man clear off the mat. "You're a heavy asshole, aren't you?" he grunts before hurling Dick over in a body slam that shakes every corner of the ring.

Control continues to fly back and forth, jawbreakers, forearms, slams to the floor outside the ring, and bare handed chokes enter the mix as both men throttle each other, trying to choke the fight (and maybe the life) right out of their opponents. Foreign objects, dirty tactics, and phenomenal displays of strength follow as these two killers wear each other down to their breaking points. Both thickly muscled bodies are dripping with sweat, the wrestlers swaying on their feet when they're even able to stand at all. In the end, one fighter's final statement, "I'm DONE with this!" punctuates a devastating finish that leaves the loser limply sprawled on the floor, out cold and tossed beside the ring like trash, his taut abs and meaty pecs shaking as he gasps for each weak breath, every last ounce of resistance driven out of him, and the winner, hurting but still standing, finally lays claim to his territory.


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Dick Rick vs. Exavier
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Dick executes a snapmare takedown that brings Exavier's dominance to an end

Dick takes a moment to (quite literally) reflect on his dominance with a blatant choke in the mirror

Exavier continues to break the bigger stud as he rolls him up on his shoulders for a pin

Exavier works to breakdown the big boy's muscled bod with a powerful bow-and-arrow

A suspended bow-and-arrow backbreaking submission may just spell the end for the bigger stud

Big bad Dick Rick put through the wringer as he screams a submission to the surfboard variation

Exavier: 5'9, 185 lbs

A low blow to his namesake is enough to humble Dick as he's brought down in a reverse chinlock

Exavier carries the legendary Dick Rick's bigger muscle up and over for a ring-rattling bodyslam

Dick works a neck-twisting half-nelson variation on the floored, muscled guido

Exavier bears down on the ropes for some extra added boot force across Dick's throat

Dick's big body bends back brutally over the ring ropes with a chin pulling submission from Exavier

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