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  Lon Dumont vs. Ethan Axel Andrews

Ethan sends Lon Dumont flying

Yanking the vet up by his hair

Lon slowly breaks Ethan Axel down

Ethan tries to escape the choke-out

With the veteran pro almost out cold, Ethan gleefully tells Lon a sweet bedtime story

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

With the match momentum firmly in hand, Ethan takes liberties with Lon. He smirks and taunts his more senior opponent with a withering string of "wrinkled old man" jokes. He smacks him in the face humiliatingly and literally wipes the floor while dragging Lon's face across the canvas by a fistful of hair. The louder Lon wails, the cockier young Ethan Axel grows, offensive right up to the point that Lon lands a breathtakingly solid retaliatory blow to the sizable and obvious-target punching bag inside the front of Ethan's trunks!

No one is laughing as this high/hair stakes match turns from nasty to nastier. Lon demonstrates his mastery of the ring and his penchant for punishing, pounding Ethan's back from post to post and introducing Ethan to his "snap hair" variation on a snap mare, sending the youngster flying through the air by his precious locks, from corner to corner.

Ethan digs deep into his down and dirty underground wrestling arsenal, battling back in an effort to both humiliate and defeat the vet. He hangs Lon in a tree of woe then stands on his hair while pulling on his arms! Once both men realize that the stakes are just too high for either of them to ever submit, it becomes a race to see who can lock on a knock-out sleeper hold to finally put one of these mop tops on the chopping block.

They promised hair stakes, and they deliver hair stakes, fans! A kiss of death finally puts one hunk down for the long ten count. Trapped in the ropes and just rousing from unconsciousness, one of these shaggy battlers is treated to an intentionally bad hack job. Taunts fly as the scissors come out and the locks fall, and with a slap in the face and a gratuitous kiss on the cheek, the remaining mop top flexes for the camera and congratulates himself. "God, what a day!" God, what a match! Hallelujah! Amen!

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Lon Dumont vs. Ethan Axel Andrews
42 minutes

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Lon takes Ethan to the mat with his smothering Kiss of Death sleeper

With the young punk securely locked in the ropes, Lon uses the scissors to claim his due reward

You're ripping my hair out!!!

A neck-breaking chin lock

Ethan's eyes roll back in his head

Chest on chest pin: Ethan taunts Lon

Fuck you! NO! Fuck YOU! Both fighters yank each other's hair till they just can't take it anymore

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