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  Derek DaSilva vs. Tony Vencini  

Tony tries to turn Derek

Derek scissors Tony

Closing the trap


Sweaty Sleepers

Obviously dismayed by his poor showing in the early falls of his debut match, a frustrated but determined Tony sets out to prove himself a legitmate contender and worthy opponent. He leg drives Derek, cleverly maneuvering him from his guard position into a leg-splittng, spladle pin. The surprise and shock clearly registering on Derek's face, Tony proves that some amateur moves adapt quite handily - and painfully- to submission potential. The spladle and the guillotine, which heretofore Tony had only ever employed for pinning purposes, end up serving him ably and admirably as equalizing submission holds. Practically shoving Derek's knee into his face, Tony taunts him with threats of injury unless Derek accedes to his demands for submission. With the submission playing field nearly levelled and evened, the war comes down to a battle of choke and sleeper holds. Tony knows the rear naked choke variation. But Derek has mastered not just that old reliable but other variations including a brutal triangle from both on his back and, more dangerously, on his knees. Will Tony's big-bicepped sleeper down domineering Derek? Or will Derek's trusty triangle triumph?


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Derek DaSilva vs. Tony Vencini
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Sleeper variation

Tony tries an armbar

Derek sets up the triangle

Full body weight

Cross body scissors

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